MCS ‘Ohana Portal
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Marjie’s Message
Dear families -
This coming Tuesday, September 21, is the International Day of Peace, established by the United Nations in 1981 with the recognition that peace is a fundamental human right. Historically at MCS, we celebrate and commit ourselves to the ideals of peace as a whole community by gathering together on the Tree House playground, and though we won’t be able to come together in the same way this year, each of our teachers with their students will be sharing ideas and taking part in activities that focus on the importance of kindness and compassion, learning to take responsibility for themselves and care for others, and talking creatively about the ways we can help to create a peaceful and safe community. In this article by Marta Donahue taken from the AMS website, she asks us to consider how well we are doing as Montessorians to cultivate the spirit and mindfulness in children, remembering what Dr. Montessori said that “education is the best weapon for peace.”
Many of our students are learning and will be singing the Song for Peace next Tuesday as part of their remembrance of Peace Day. Here is a link to the UN website with a list of resources for educators, parents, and youth, with ideas for making a difference in the world; and here is a list of books whose themes are meant to inspire hope and activism.
There’s always a lot going on in MCS classrooms. The pictures in our email show children learning about many things in many different ways - how to place shapes sequentially inside a puzzle (donated by one of the parents in our Two-Year-Old program); how the heart pumps (a MacGyvered material made by a classroom teacher), how to differentiate musical notes through the sound of bells (a Montessori material), the formation of the universe (one of the five Great Lessons in the Montessori curriculum) demonstrated in the shapes and art of galaxies, and coding on a computer to create a webpage in an Upper Elementary class. Don’t you just love it?
MCS continues in alert status YELLOW, meaning that there are no known cases of COVID-19 within the MCS ohana and all classrooms are open on campus. I feel cautiously hopeful that our state is turning a corner in its effort to bring down COVID-19 case counts. See this link to the HI Dept. of Health Summary Metrics that shows a steady decline over the last 14 days, and this one from the Johns Hopkins site showing similar trends, as well as the growing number of vaccinations in our state. Thanks for helping us everyday in supporting MCS’ health and safety protocols for masking, washing hands, and keeping your child at home should they become ill. Let’s hang in there together and get vaccinated to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and the broader community.
Virtual Parent Education Workshops 2021-2022:
We are pleased to offer a number of parent education workshops presented by MCS faculty and other practitioners of the Montessori approach to teaching and learning. Please see the attached schedule. We hope you will take advantage of these free virtual sessions to learn more about Montessori.
Give Aloha - Foodland’s Matching Gifts Program - Development Department: Please consider stopping by your nearest Foodland Stores this weekend and make a donation to support MCS (#77244) through their Give Aloha program! Your donation, no matter the size, makes a difference, and a portion of your donation will be matched! (Don’t forget to use your Maika’i Card!) Whether you round up your change or make a $249 donation (that’s the max), you’re helping us reach our $11k goal!
Upcoming Important Dates:
9/1-30. Foodland’s “GIVE ALOHA” Campaign (MCS code: 77244)
9/21 International Day of Peace
10/11 NO SCHOOL - Discoverer’s Day holiday / Staff Professional Day
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe. As always, our goal is to help maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the MCS community, and we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our community safe. We will keep you updated should our protocols be amended.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a multilayered fabric mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance and avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Please take good care,
Dear Families -
Labor Day Holiday
Yesterday, just as I was getting ready to send out this weekly Friday Message, we were informed about the diagnosis of COVID-19 in a member of our school community. Our thoughts are with the family, and we will do our part to support them in this difficult time.
You all received an email yesterday evening providing you with information about the event, and those families whose child/ren may have been in close contact with the infected person have been notified by phone. If you have not been notified by phone, your child was not in close contact. The students and staff in the Preschool & Kindergarten classrooms directly affected will not be on campus next week, and will begin Distance Learning on Tuesday, Sept. 7 through Friday, Sept. 10, with an anticipated return to campus on Monday, Sept. 13.
As a result of the appearance of the virus on campus, MCS has moved into an ORANGE alert status. Please see Section 4: COVID-19 Monitoring & Communication (p.7-8) in the MCS Health and Safety Protocols 2021-2022 (attached) for a description of the criteria for each alert level. The ORANGE level means that some parts of the campus are closed due to diagnosis of or exposure to COVID-19 by a student, parent, or staff member, and that distance learning is now being offered in select classrooms to allay further exposure to the community, while other parts of the campus remain open. We will continue to monitor the current situation and provide timely updates to our school community.
As always, at MCS, in addition to our goal of providing an authentic and relevant Montessori education to our students, we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment to our community. On a daily basis, we listen to the news and monitor COVID data issued from the Hawaii Department of Health - Data Dashboard. Other useful resources include COVID Pau and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center websites. We are in regular contact with officials at the Hawaii Department of Health and the school’s advising pediatrician, Dr. Vince Yamashiroya, to help guide our decision-making. Please contact the school if you have any questions about our protocols or specific questions related to you or your family’s health.
Please cooperate with the MCS Health and Safety policies to help protect our keiki and staff:
Monitor your own and your children’s health and do not come to school when ill
Children and adults must wear a mask while on campus
Immediately report to the school any confirmed or potential exposure of COVID to you, your child, or a family member
Close up your ohaha bubble: Keep your ohana bubble as small as is reasonably possible to help protect your family and the MCS community.
Drop off and Pick-Up Reminders
Right turn only at the driveway exit between 7:30-8:30AM and 2:30-3:00PM
Place your neon pink and yellow placards on your dashboard with your child/ren’s name. It helps us to know where to direct you, and also to know that your car belongs on campus. Thank you!
MCS Enrollment: 2022-2023 School Year Applications
Applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now being accepted for new students only.
Current MCS students should NOT submit an application. Re-enrollment for current students will start in February 2022.
Siblings of Current MCS Students If you have another child that does not currently attend MCS, and you would like them to be considered for the 2022-2023 school year, please submit an application on our website.
Give Aloha - Foodland’s Matching Gifts Program - Development Department
Eggs , Spam , Poke and Give Aloha!
As you gear up for the weekend and pick up your favorite local foods, please consider stopping by your nearest Foodland Stores and make a donation to support MCS (#77244) through their Give Aloha program! Your donation, no matter the size, makes a difference and a portion of your donation will be matched! (Don’t forget to use your Maika’i Card!)
Whether you round up your change or make a $249 donation (that’s the max), you’re helping us reach our $11k goal!
HOW IS THE MONEY USED? Funds go to support our wonderful teachers! All Give Aloha donations are designated to support Professional Development opportunities for our MCS teachers & staff. Attending the annual American Montessori Society Conference in the mainland and local certification classes here are just a couple of ways in which these funds are used.
WE’VE MADE IT EASIER FOR YOU TO GIVE! Don’t shop at Foodland but still want your $ matched? We’ve got you covered! Stop by the Front Office and look for the Give Aloha display. Fill out the envelope provided with your CA$H donation, and we will make the donation on your behalf at Foodland.
Mahalo for your support!
Upcoming Important Dates:
Mon 9/6 No School - Labor Day Holiday
Wed 9/1-30 Foodland’s “GIVE ALOHA” Campaign (MCS code: 77244)
Take a look at this sweet image from Ms. Tiffany’s Little House classroom celebrating the 151st birthday of Maria Montessori. Also, see the beautiful images from Lower Elementary - Room 2 from their art class with Elementary Arts Specialist, Zoe Liu, integrated with poetry study in the classroom.
Please take good care,
August 27, 2021
Dear families -
It has been truly a pleasure to see you, our students, and staff come together in classrooms for the start of the school year. Our MCS community is getting into the rhythm of routines for arrival, entering the classroom, morning meeting, receiving lessons, choosing independent work, and playing and socializing. I hope your child/ren are coming home with good stories to tell. At the beginning of the school year, letting go can be difficult for both you and your child. Your good listening skills, plus a big hug, are sometimes all it takes for a child to feel supported. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns as we take this journey together.
We all know that COVID is pounding our state, and I know that health and safety are uppermost on your mind. Ours, too. I’m sorry that we weren’t able to host the Virtual Town Hall, as scheduled, which would have allowed us to hear directly from public health and medical professionals about the state of COVID in Hawaii, the vaccine, and what to do to provide the best protection for your family. We are tremendously grateful for their good and hard work and we will do our best to reschedule the event as soon as possible.
All of us continue to be charged with facing an unprecedented challenge whose future scope is unknown. How will we cope with such complexity and uncertainty? First off, on our side, we won’t pretend that we have all the answers. What we’ve learned from this past year is that, in a pandemic, things are in a constant state of flux, so we should remain open-minded, flexible and responsive to changing circumstances. And, as we did during the past school year, we will be as transparent as possible, communicate regularly, and be clear about our priorities: safety/security, transparency, and frequent, clear communication. This Friday Message is the first of ongoing communication from me that will highlight what’s happening at MCS with regard to COVID. We will work in collaboration with you to keep our keiki safe.
To that end, please cooperate with our school policies to do the following:
Monitor your own and your children’s health and do not come to school when ill
Children and adults must wear a mask while on campus
Report any exposure to COVID to you or a family member
Travel guidelines: Children and their immediate household members who have traveled off-island, including neighbor island, U.S. mainland, and international travel, must follow the State of Hawaii’s current travel requirements. In addition, MCS students must adhere to one of the following clearance requirements to return to campus -
Quarantine - Off-Island travelers who are not fully vaccinated or those who do not participate in the state’s Safe Travels Program must complete a 10-day self-quarantine OR
Travelers who are not fully vaccinated or those who do not participate in the state’s Safe Travels Program who wish to forego the 10-day quarantine may complete a post-travel test, taken no more than 48 hours prior to the expected return to campus. The results of the test must be negative and provided to the school.
Close up your ohaha bubble: At MCS, each classroom, except for the Lanai and Terrace, is it’s own pod or cohort. The Terrace and Lanai function as a single cohort. We do this to prevent the potential spread of COVID beyond one cohort’s doors. At home, please do the same. Keep your ohana bubble as small as is reasonably possible to help protect your family and the MCS community.
Drop off and Pick-Up Reminders: It’s the beginning of the year, and we know that drop off and pick up take a few days to get into a comfortable rhythm.
Prompt arrival (no later than 8:00 for Elementary students and 8:30 for the Early Education programs is very important.
Do not arrive much earlier than 7:30 since it creates congestion at the entry driveway, and do not park on the sidewalk or on the hump of the entry area. Pedestrians, namely Roosevelt students, need to have free passage on the sidewalks, and Early Education parents must be able to drive through in the third lane. Same thing in the afternoon - avoid congestion at the entrance to the driveway.
Also, please remember to place the colorful placards in neon pink and yellow with your child’s name on the dashboard of your car. It helps us to know where to direct you, and also to know that your car belongs on campus. Thank you!
Security: Security is a priority. Over the summer months, a vehicle was stolen in the parking area of the MCS campus. Do not leave your keys in your car and walk away, and do not leave your car running unless there is an adult in the car.
I’ve mentioned in a previous email to you that I would let you know more about the MCS Distance Learning Plan (DLP) which will go into effect should it become necessary to close a classroom due to COVID exposure, or to close an entire program due to conditions in the broader Oahu community. We are not in either of those conditions at this time, but we do need to be prepared. Please take a look at the attached overview of what Distance Learning would look like if it becomes necessary.
Upcoming Important Dates (see School Calendar attachment):
Mon 9/6 No School - Labor Day Holiday
Wed 9/1-30 Foodland’s “GIVE ALOHA” Campaign (MCS code: 77244) runs through September which supports ongoing Montessori teacher Professional Development
Thank you for being part of the 2021-2022 MCS community. We look forward to serving you in the days ahead.
Please take good care,
May 14, 2021
Dear families -
Thank you for the opportunity to serve your child at Montessori Community School for the 2020-2021 school year. It has been our pleasure to do so. It is our purpose to create a safe and welcoming learning environment for our students, families, and staff, and as we approach the end of a school year, it is always a time for reflection about how well we met our mission. This year has been an exceptional one as we were challenged to create new approaches and new protocols while honoring our commitment to provide an authentic Montessori environment for learning. In The Montessori Method, Dr. Montessori said that, “A room in which all the children move about usefully, intelligently, and voluntarily, without committing any rough or rude act, would seem to me a classroom very well disciplined indeed.” As I have visited and observed in classrooms, spoken with teachers and parents, and worked closely with a supportive and creative team of administrators and Board of Trustees, I believe we can say that we are truly “a learning community of children and adults committed to excellence and the optimal development of children.” (From MCS’ mission statement.)
I thank you for your trust, cooperation, and support during this unusual time and wish you and your family good health and happiness in the days ahead.
MCS Summer Programs 6/7 - 8/6 Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 is still open to MCS families, but is filling up quickly. Please see information on our website.
Please be sure to review the 2021 Summer Programs Cover Letter for MCS before you apply. This Cover Letter includes a Step-by-Step Guide for the online application so that you complete the correct Summer Application. Completion of the wrong application results in a penalty fee to MCS.
** Note: There is no child care during the intersession weeks (June 1-4 and August 9-20).
Thank you to those who have offered to bring donations of greenery and flowers for the MCS Class of 2021 Graduation ceremony. We are looking forward to this special event. Note: Only the immediate families of the graduating class, Upper Elementary students, and 3rd grade students will participate in the event in order to meet MCS’ health and wellbeing guidelines.
Upcoming Events:
5/24-27 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
5/26 Last Day of School for Two-Year-Old and Preschool & Kindergarten Programs
5/28 Last Day of School for Elementary Program
5/28 MCS Class of 2021 Graduation
5/31 Memorial Day Holiday
6/1-6/4 NO SCHOOL - Summer prep week
6/7 Summer Programs begin
As always, our goal is to help maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the MCS community, and we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our community safe. We will keep you updated should our protocols be amended.
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a multilayered fabric mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Please enjoy the image below of next year's Kindergarten students having a Zoom visit with Lower Elementary teachers from Rooms 1 and 2. The children were so attentive, and you can see their excitement right through their masks!
Please take good care-
May 7, 2021
Dear families -
First and foremost, I wish all you fabulous moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day! We know how important you are, and we hope you enjoy a special moment this weekend when your loved ones let you know how special you are to them.
Speaking of special events, we are very happy to say that we will celebrate the MCS Class of 2021 Graduation on campus at the end of May this year, while being mindful to take steps to ensure the health and wellbeing of our students, families, and staff. Families of the 6th years will receive invitations and additional information from the Upper Elementary classroom teachers in the coming weeks.
Your help is needed to create a beautiful backdrop for the graduation ceremony. Donations of greenery and flowers, such as large, tall fronds and sturdy flowers like heliconia, torch ginger, palm fronds, monstera and ti leaves, etc. should be brought to school on the morning of Thursday, May 27, or no later than 2:30 p.m. We will use them to decorate the stage on the Lower Court for the ceremony.
MCS Family Survey - The MCS Family Survey was sent to you on Monday. You can click on this link or the one embedded in my Monday email. Only one person per household should complete the survey. The link will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 17. We hope to hear from as many families as possible to ensure its usefulness. Mahalo, in advance, for your time in completing the survey.
PFA Virtual Family Night: Dinner and Talent Show - We would like to celebrate another wonderful and special year as an MCS Community with a virtual End-of-the-Year Family Night: Dinner and Talent Show, sponsored by the PFA.
Please complete this form if you would like to sign-up with a family-friendly talent. Each act will be given a maximum of three minutes. Deadline to sign-up: Wednesday, May 19. Talent contribution not required to attend the event.
Families who RSVP to attend the virtual Family Night will be gifted a $25.00 Grubhub e-gift card. We hope this e-gift card can be used at your favorite restaurant for a dish or two that you can enjoy while joining the virtual Family Night. You do not have to RSVP to attend this event, but only those families who RSVP by Wednesday, May 19 will receive an e-gift card. Click here to RSVP and receive the Grubhub e-gift card.
Reminder: MCS Summer Programs 6/7 - 8/6
Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 is still open to MCS families, but is filling up quickly. Please see information on our website.
Please be sure to review the 2021 Summer Programs Cover Letter for MCS before you apply. This Cover Letter includes a Step-by-Step Guide for the online application so that you complete the correct Summer Application. Completion of the wrong application results in a penalty fee to MCS.
** Note: There is no child care during the intersession weeks (June 1-4 and August 9-20).
Upcoming Events:
5/24-27 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
5/26 Last Day of School for Two-Year-Old and Preschool & Kindergarten Programs
5/28 Last Day of School for Elementary Program
5/28 MCS Class of 2021 Graduation
5/31 Memorial Day Holiday
6/1-6/4 NO SCHOOL - Summer prep week
6/7 Summer Programs begin
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a multilayered fabric mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
As always, our goal is to help maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the MCS community, and we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our community safe. We will keep you updated should our protocols be amended.
Please take good care,
April 30, 2021
Dear families -
As we reach the end of our school year, we are grateful for the support of our families in helping us maintain the health and wellbeing of our students, families, and staff throughout this challenging time. Although the Centers for Disease Control has updated their mask wearing guidance to allow fully vaccinated individuals to gather or conduct activities outdoors in public spaces without wearing a mask, our school continues to follow the guidance of the state Department of Health as well as our licensing agency, the state Department of Human Services.
At this time, there is no change to the State of Hawaii's mask mandate, and MCS continues to require the wearing of masks by all campus visitors, including parents, when on site, including the drop-off and pick-up of children.
As always, our goal is to help maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the MCS community, and we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our community safe. We will keep you updated should our protocols be amended.
MCS Family Survey - Please watch for an MCS Family Survey in your email next week. The survey is a broad one intended to find out information about who you are, as well as your opinions about our program which will help guide future decision-making. We hope to hear from as many families as possible to ensure its usefulness. Mahalo, in advance, for your time in completing the survey.
PFA Virtual Family Night: Dinner and Talent Show - The last PFA event of the year will be a virtual Family Night: Dinner and Talent Show on Friday, May 21 at 6:00 p.m. More information will be provided shortly.
Graduating 6th Years - As we approach the end of the school year, I want to take a moment to congratulate all our graduating 6th Years for their achievements. We are pleased to learn that they will be attending the schools of their choice including Punahou School and La Pietra - Hawaii School for Girls. We look forward to the upcoming graduation ceremony on the last day of school for elementary students, May 28.
Reminder: MCS Summer Programs 6/7 - 8/6
Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 is still open to MCS families. Please see information on our website.
Please be sure to review the 2021 Summer Programs Cover Letter for MCS before you apply. This Cover Letter includes a Step-by-Step Guide for the online application so that you complete the correct Summer Application. Completion of the wrong application results in a penalty fee to MCS.
** Note: There is no child care during the intersession weeks (June 1-4 and August 9-20).
Upcoming Events:
4/2-20 Preschool and Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conferences
4/26-30 Two-Year-Old Parent-Teacher Conferences
4/24-27 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
5/26 Last Day of School for Two-Year-Old and Preschool & Kindergarten Programs
5/28 Last Day of School for Elementary Program
5/28 MCS Class of 2021 Graduation
5/31 Memorial Day Holiday
6/1-6/4 NO SCHOOL - Summer prep week
6/7 Summer Programs begin
Please enjoy the beautiful art/maps of the Manoa valley created by Upper Elementary students with Ms. Liu, interim art teacher for Maya Portner, as well as images in the making of lei po'o in the Terrace and Little House classrooms for May Day.
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a multilayered fabric mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Please take good care,
April 23, 2021
Dear Families -
Mahalo to all MCS students and families for helping to make this year's Staff Appreciation event a heartwarming success! We are so grateful for all of the food donations, artwork, notes and gifts. This year has been unlike any other, but once again the MCS PFA came together to make this celebration special. The creative and colorful “thank you” video below was created by Ian Delse, an Upper Elementary student! Thanks, Ian, and to all of you for your generosity and support!
Today was also a Staff Professional Day. A number of things were on the agenda, such as preparing for upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences, writing Progress reports, preparing for end-of-year events, and Professional Development. Kylie Dunn, our School Counselor, offered Professional Development for our team of Classroom Assistants and After School Care guides which focused on constructive and positive ways to interact with children who exhibit challenging behavior. In this article about the Power of Positive Attention, the author notes that “experts have found that giving kids positive, rather than negative, attention is much more effective in changing behavior. Research shows that praise for behavior you want to encourage gets more results than calling out things you want them to stop doing.” It offers good advice for both educators and parents who may be experiencing such moments with their children.
Vaccination Information - You may have heard that Iolani School has arranged with Safeway to hold a vaccination clinic on its campus this Friday afternoon, 4/23, from 3:00 to 8:00 pm and on Saturday, 4/24, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Faculty, staff and students over the age of 16 from any school are invited to make an appointment to receive a first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
HAIS encourages all faculty and staff and students over the age of 16 to be vaccinated. To schedule an appointment, you can click here. For more information about the documents to bring with you, email Staci Fujikawa at sfujikawa@iolani.org.
Reminder: MCS Summer Programs 6/7 - 8/6/21
Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 is still open to MCS families. Please see information on our website.
Please be sure to review the 2021 Summer Programs Cover Letter for MCS before you apply. This Cover Letter includes a Step-by-Step Guide for the online application so that you complete the correct Summer Application. Completion of the wrong application results in a penalty fee to MCS.
** Note: There is No Summer Intersession (June 1-4 and August 9-20).
I hope you also enjoy the photos, below, from the teaching team in the Little House classroom, capturing their recent focus on ways to care for the earth everyday, not just on Earth Day. The children were encouraged to recycle materials at home, and parents shared pictures that were used to create a poster and discuss all the ways the children recycled at home. Mei-Ling even used banana peels for compost!
Upcoming Events:
4/26-30 Two-Year-Old Parent-Teacher Conferences
5/24-27 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
5/26 Last Day of School for Two-Year-Old and Preschool & Kindergarten Programs
5/28 Last Day of School for Elementary Program
5/28 MCS Class of 2021 Graduation
5/31 Memorial Day Holiday
6/1-6/4 NO SCHOOL - Summer prep week
6/7 Summer Programs begin
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a multilayered fabric mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Please take good care,
April 16, 2021
Dear Families:
Thinking lately about this year and our recent weeks of particular challenge. While I know that we have all felt at times discouraged, I’m so appreciative of our supportive and hard-working community. Like many of you, I have found myself reflecting about how my parents and their parents, and those currently facing war, loss, and privation, have found the courage to carry on. Looking across time and space and into the far reaches of history, I comprehend more clearly than ever that the progress of humanity is achieved through the acts of people who refuse to be cowed by the obstacles in their way. Some of us are just plain stubborn and can’t be moved from our purpose. My MCS colleagues are that way - we know our mission and we’re pushing on, come what may.
In the words of others:
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. ~ Newt Gingrich
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still come out of it. ~ Maya Angelou
If it’s endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining. ~ Marcus Aurelius
Thanks for hanging in there with us.
Important upcoming staff retirement announcements -
It is with deep gratitude for their many years of service that I announce the retirement of several treasured members of the MCS staff community. We are thankful to all three of these wonderful teachers, and wish them all the best in the future. In the coming weeks, I will provide additional information about how and when we will recognize these special people.
Lisa Browning - Montessori Teacher (Rm. 2). Lisa began her teaching career at MCS in 2010 as co-teacher with Lisa Nakata, and has mentored Fana Takahashi for the past two years as the co-teacher in Room 2.
Michelle Aczon - Elementary Specialist, Music Teacher. Michelle has been part of the MCS elementary music program starting in the late 1990’s, taking a break, and returning in 2018.
Audrey Sutherland - Teacher Assistant (Terrace). Audrey has worked as an assistant to Ms. Kay in the Terrace classroom since 2018 and, prior to that, at Calvary by the Sea.
Announcements regarding the addition of new staff will be forthcoming at a later date.
COVID-19 Update:
Our families, who’ve recently been affected by the virus in their households, are doing well, and we’ve seen no spread on the campus of the disease. This is good. The Terrace classroom and Room 2 have been closed and in Distance Learning since Wednesday, and the teachers and students will return to campus on Monday. Three classrooms have been disinfected by EcoLab and will be ready for students and staff to return.
Reminder: MCS Summer Programs 6/7 - 8/6/21
Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 is still open to MCS families. Please see information on our website.
Please be sure to review the 2021 Summer Programs Cover Letter for MCS before you apply. This Cover Letter includes a Step-by-Step Guide for the online application so that you complete the correct Summer Application. Completion of the wrong application results in a penalty fee to MCS.
** Note: There is No Summer Intersession (June 1-4 and August 9-20).
Upcoming Events:
4/20 “Tuesday Tea with Marjie” - Session 3 / Tuesday, 1:15-2:15PM
4/23 NO SCHOOL - Staff Professional Day
4/26-30 Two-Year-Old Parent-Teacher Conferences
4/24-27 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
5/26 Last Day of School for Two-Year-Old and Preschool & Kindergarten Programs
5/28 Last Day of School for Elementary Program
5/28 MCS Class of 2021 Graduation
5/31 Memorial Day Holiday
6/1-6/4 NO SCHOOL - Summer prep week
6/7 Summer Programs begin
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a multilayered fabric mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Please take good care,
April 12, 2021
Dear MCS Ohana -
With guidance from the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), the Terrace and Room 2 classrooms will remain closed for the remainder of this week. No other classrooms need be closed. The Terrace and Room 2 classrooms will reopen to students and staff on Monday, April 19. DOH has determined that by that date, a sufficient amount of time will have elapsed such that that our environments will be safe for staff and students to return to the classrooms.
We will take time this week to have the Terrace, Lanai, and Room 2 classrooms disinfected.
The Terrace and Room 2 classrooms will offer Distance Learning starting on Wednesday through Friday, 4/14-4/16, of this week. The classroom teachers from the Terrace and Room 2 will be in touch with their students and families on Tuesday morning to provide necessary information to begin Distance Learning.
As always, the Department of Health recommends that you monitor your family for symptoms and contact your doctor for guidance as needed.
Our thoughts continue to be with the child and their family for their wellbeing and full recovery as they undergo proper care while under self-isolation at home for an extended period of time.
Take good care -
April 9, 2021
Dear Families -
Welcome back to the Friday Message. Only a few more to go before the end of the year. I have a couple of important updates to share regarding health and safety -
Mott-Smith Laniloa (MSL) recreation deck project: MCS has been allowed to visit the ongoing rec deck construction project to observe their progress and ensure that safety protocols are being observed. The project is nearing completion on the mauka side adjacent to the MCS campus. Items to finish include minor finishing details on windows and doors, a putting green surface, and one more large tree installation. On the Ewa side of the building, the remaining major work is on the concrete surface of the ramp leading to a parking area. The entire project is expected to be completed by the end of June.
For the longer term, MCS has engaged a professional project safety professional group to evaluate potential risk, and develop mitigation strategy/recommendations for MSL, and Request a copy of the AOAO mitigation plan, review, and provide MCS recommendations for response/request from AOAO.
I am happy to report that the MCS family recently affected by the COVID-19 virus is doing well. Although not urged by the Department of Health, as an added precaution to make our environment safe, MCS engaged a disinfection service to treat the Tree House classroom over the past weekend. The students and staff were able to return to the classroom as usual on Monday.
MCS will continue to practice all the Health and Wellbeing guidelines from our Reopening Plan. There has been no substantial change in the guidelines from CDC or State of Hawaii Departments of Health and Human Services. Therefore, we will continue as usual with our Health and Wellbeing protocols.
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a multilayered fabric mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Staff Appreciation - 4/23/21. A group of parent volunteers are working to coordinate Staff Appreciation Day for 4/23/21. Be on the lookout for more information next week on how you and your child can be involved!
MCS Summer Programs - Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 is still open to MCS families. Please see information on our website.
Please be sure to review the 2021 Summer Programs Cover Letter for MCS before you apply. This Cover Letter includes a Step-by-Step Guide for the online application so that you complete the correct Summer Application. Completion of the wrong application results in a penalty fee to MCS.
Upcoming Events:
4/13 Tea with Marjie Tuesday, 1:15-2:15PM
4/23 NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Day
4/26-30 Two Year Old Parent-Teacher Conferences
4/24-27 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
5/26 Last Day for Two-Year Old and Preschool & Kindergarten Program
5/28 Last Day for Elementary Program
5/31 Memorial Day Holiday
6/1-6/4 NO SCHOOL - Summer prep week
6/7 Summer Program begins
Please enjoy these artistic creations from the After-School Care program in the Lanai classroom. Our ASC staff regularly engages in special arts and crafts activities, and it is my pleasure to share these images with you.
Take good care!
March 12, 2021
Dear Families -
Reminder: Next week is Spring Recess
NO SCHOOL 3/15-19. School resumes Monday, 3/22
Following Spring Recess, as hard as it is to believe, we’ll be heading towards the end of the school year. Thanks for being part of a great community effort to support our students and each other. There’s still much more learning and fun to be had, and we’re looking forward to every day that we can be together.
During Spring Recess, MCS office hours will be 7:30AM-4:00PM, and we have several large facility projects scheduled. Both the Little House and Cottage buildings will undergo termite tenting starting this Saturday through Monday. Later in the week, Ecolab will be on campus for the second round of disinfection services in all classrooms and shared spaces, as well as a tree trimming crew to give the large trees a haircut and trim.
An update regarding the Mott-Smith Laniloa (MSL) adjacent property and ongoing safety concerns: At this time, we are in dialogue with the Maryl Group regarding a safety inspection of the outdoor deck construction project. It is anticipated that the project will come to completion within the next 6-8 weeks. We are also in communication with the MSL homeowner’s association and hope to hear shortly about their long-term plans for safe use of the deck for their residents and adjacent neighbors. I will keep you informed as I know more. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor the weather and will not be using the Cottage play area, or the Upper and Lower Courts if there are wind advisories or locally gusty winds. The MCS Board of Trustees and I are fully committed to seeing the process through to ensure our community’s wellbeing.
Important Staffing news:
Zel Alvarado, Cottage Classroom Assistant, will be leaving MCS employment at the end of this week due to an upcoming family opportunity.
Please join me in saying a heartfelt thank you to Ms. Zel for her many years of service to the children and families of MCS. She has been a committed and conscientious staff member and caregiver to hundreds of children over the years since she began in 2008. In addition to her time in the Cottage, Ms. Zel worked in the Tree House and Lanai classrooms with many other current and former MCS staff. While we will miss Ms. Zel, we wish her and her family all the best!
Ms. Molly will assume the role of Assistant to cover the school day hours from 7:30AM-3:00PM.
Maya Portner is taking a leave of absence due to her maternity. Zoe Liu, artist and teacher, has been engaged as a long-term substitute for the Elementary Art Specialist position until the end of this school year. Ms. Maya will resume work at MCS for the 2021-2022 school year.
Yulia Popova has joined the Elementary ASC Program, part-time, in Room 1. Yulia will also work as an occasional elementary teacher substitute when needed.
Roy Ramey has joined MCS as the new Facilities Maintenance manager.
PFA Bingo Night - Save the date, Tuesday, March 30, for a PFA-sponsored Bingo Night! We’re super excited to offer a virtual evening of fun and games for the whole family. Stay tuned for more information following Spring Recess!
2021 Summer Programs dates for All Programs: June 7-August 6, 2021 - Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 is now open to MCS families. Please see information on our website. (The Summer Programs page on our public website has not been updated yet, so this webpage is only viewable for MCS parents through this link or the email from Cari Suzuki.)
Please be sure to review the 2021 Summer Programs Cover Letter for MCS before you apply. This Cover Letter includes a Step-by-Step Guide for the online application so that you complete the correct Summer Application. Completion of the wrong application results in a penalty fee to MCS.
Starting on March 16, registration will be open to the public. Please also note that there are some changes to the health and safety requirements for families who travel.
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Upcoming School events:
3/15-19 NO SCHOOL – Spring Recess
3/22 School resumes
3/26 School Open (Kuhio Day)
4/2 NO SCHOOL (Good Friday holiday)
5/26 (Wed) LAST DAY of school for the Two’s and Preschool Programs
5/28 (Fri) LAST DAY of school for the Elementary Program
6/7-8/6 Summer Program
2021-2022 Academic School Year
8/23 FIRST DAY of school (Note: the school year is starting earlier this year - mark your calendars and plan ahead)
There will be no Friday Message next week. I hope you enjoy the spring recess and come back refreshed and ready to return to campus!
Please take care, Marjie
March 5, 2021
Dear Families -
There are many things we do to keep our children safe while at school, and we truly appreciate your cooperation and support. In my communication this year, I have communicated often about COVID- related health and wellbeing guidelines, but today I wish to bring your attention to a concern surrounding pedestrian and vehicle safety, especially during drop off and pick up times. My message is basic -- cars are moving too fast in the driveway!
** Slow down while driving through the campus and
be especially mindful of pedestrians and other vehicles. **
Playground safety - ** For now and for the duration of the Mott-Smith Laniloa deck construction project, when there is a wind advisory or when it appears especially breezy, our students will not play outdoors on the Upper Court, Lower Court, or outdoor area of the Cottage classroom. Cottage children and Elementary children will play indoors at such times. **
We will continue our dialogue with Mott-Smith Laniloa management and the Maryl Construction Group project supervisors on the project, and remain vigilant with ongoing visits to the deck site. The entire project is expected to be completed in two months.
Thinking ahead to when the deck project is completed, we will be addressing our ongoing safety concerns to the homeowners association for future use of the Mott-Smith Laniloa deck by its residents.
I will keep you updated when new information becomes available.
On a very different note, I’d like to share this very interesting article about Montessori in the era of a pandemic. It reaffirms what we discovered during our time in distance learning, that our students, especially in elementary, were able to quite quickly and successfully pivot to managing their own learning. As this article suggests, we believe it can be attributed to our students’ experience in a Montessori classroom where self-direction, organization, and independent learning are built into the structure of the program. I think it is a testament to the resilience of our students that, once tech issues and new routines were created, learning continued on pace. It’s good to read that other Montessori school students had similar experiences.
Path to Independence: Parent Education in the Cottage Program, March 10, 4-5PM - All parents with children in the Cottage Two-Year-Old Program are invited to a parent education event that will focus on the following two topics: 1. Transitioning to the Preschool & Kindergarten program, and 2. Toileting tips for parents to complete the path to toileting independence. A Zoom invitation to Cottage parents will follow.
2021 Summer Programs dates for All Programs: June 7-August 6, 2021 - Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 is now open to MCS families. Please see information on our website. (The Summer Programs page on our public website has not been updated yet, so this webpage is only viewable for MCS parents through this link or the email from Cari Suzuki.)
Please be sure to review the 2021 Summer Programs Cover Letter for MCS before you apply. This Cover Letter includes a Step-by-Step Guide for the online application so that you complete the correct Summer Application. Completion of the wrong application results in a penalty fee to MCS.
Starting on March 16, registration will be open to the public. Please also note that there are some changes to the health and safety requirements for families who travel.
MCS Fun Run 2021 - Congratulations to our entire MCS community for a successful virtual Fun Run! We had a highly entertaining and energetic virtual awards night celebrating our collective efforts in raising $40,090 for our Children's Education Fund! Yahoo! Thank you again for everyone's hard work and effort that provides tuition assistance for our students. A special thank you to Todd Iacovelli, Board of Trustee and MCS alumnus, for chairing the Fun Run this year, and well as Jennifer Oyer and Susan Oshiro, and all the “special guest” superheroes for their tremendous work!
Kupuna Days - We had a wonderful two days spending time with our Kupuna (virtually) during Kupuna Days on March 3 and March 4. Kupuna were able to take a sneak peak into their grandchild's classroom and see many of them in action. We had grandparents from 3 different countries and 14 different states visiting with us. We look forward to meeting again in person, but providing a virtual experience for those miles away will certainly be an option for the future.
School Photos - You will be receiving an email with your child's individual and class photo for this school year that were taken by members of our staff. The class photo must not be shared beyond your immediate family. This includes any social media posts. Please be respectful to the parents who have not approved for their child's photo to be shared beyond the MCS Community. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Upcoming School Calendar:
3/15-19 Spring Recess
4/2 NO SCHOOL - Good Friday Holiday
6/7-8/6 Summer Program
Hope you enjoy these photos from the Little House of students learning about and getting ready for a “Hinamatsuri” (Doll’s Day) celebration.
Please take care - Marjie
February 26, 2021
Dear Families -
Please see my previous email for an update regarding the events of yesterday.
As many of you know, Hawaii has transitioned to Tier 3 as the rate of COVID-19 spread has steadily declined. Current data indicates that the state continues to do well in its effort to flatten the curve of daily new cases with numbers in the teens on Oahu, and with a 1.1% rate of positivity. The sources I check regularly are HI Department of Health, COVID Pau, Johns Hopkins COVID Center Although this news is good, we also know that many people continue to become infected and to suffer with the illness. Our hearts are heavy for those who have suffered the loss of loved ones. As a community, we should not become complacent about the impact of the disease and our individual roles in prevention.
At MCS, the transition to Tier 3 will not change our health and wellbeing protocols. The guidelines that we follow that come through DOH and the Department of Human Services have not been altered with the new status, so we will continue to practice our protocols to screen, sanitize, distance, and mask-up for the foreseeable future. The exception to this will be in the MCS travel and health screening protocols over the summer months due to anticipated travel by our own families, new students, and the influx of mainland and international registrants. If you are registering for the Summer Program, please read the criteria in the Summer Program registration packet which you will receive next week. We will keep you updated on significant changes as they arise.
As of today, most of the MCS staff has been vaccinated with shot number one, and we’re now into round two of the vaccine. As expected, individual reactions have varied, and we are seeing some more severe this time around. Still, we know that the reaction is a good sign indicating that the body is recognizing the foreign bodies and doing it’s thing to fight it off. We also know that the reaction to the vaccine poses far less of a risk than those associated with the disease itself. We thank you for doing your part to stay safe along with us.
Reminder - Re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year - If you have not done so already and plan to re-enroll for the 2021-2022 school year, please complete the re-enrollment process in FACTS by March 1, 2021. Enrollment received after the March 1 deadline cannot be guaranteed. In order for your child to re-enroll at MCS for the 2021-2022 school year, you will need to complete the Online Enrollment Packet by logging into your FACTS Family Portal account. You do not need to complete another application on the school website. Please contact Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, if you have any questions.
2021 Summer Programs dates for All Programs: June 7-August 6, 2021 - Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 will be open to MCS families starting next week. Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, will email more information shortly. Please see information on our website. (The Summer Programs page on our public website has not been updated yet, so this webpage is only viewable for MCS parents through this link.) Starting on March 15, registration will be open to the public. Please note that there will be some changes to the health and safety requirements for families who travel.
Path to Independence: Parent Education in the Cottage Program Mar.10 - All parents with children in the Cottage Two-Year Old Program are invited to a parent education event that will focus on the following two topics: 1. Transitioning to the Preschool & Kindergarten program, and 2. Toileting tips for parents to complete the path to toileting independence. A zoom invitation will follow soon.
MCS Fun Run 2021 - Virtual high fives and fist bumps are in order as we exceeded our goal for our 2021 Fun Run! Thank you to all of you that participated in raising funds for our financial aid. It’s heartwarming to see many of our families rallying together for a good cause and having fun. We’re looking forward to celebrating with all of you at our Virtual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. and announcing our final total raised!
KUPUNA Days - There is still time to register for Kupuna Days which will be held virtually via Zoom. We will have a presentation by Estate Planning Group Hawaii and short recorded videos of our students. The deadline to receive a custom box in time for our event has passed, but we will do our best to accommodate additional registrations as they come in. Please register at www.montessorihawaii.org/kupuna
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Upcoming School Calendar:
3/15-19 Spring Recess
6/7-8/6 Summer Program
Please take care - Marjie
February 19, 2021
Dear families -
The campus at MCS is an active place from dawn to dusk. Teachers arrive before the sun comes up from over the Koolau Range, and the last doors are locked often after 5:30 p.m. In between comes all manner of activity from classroom pouring exercises to practicing silence, singing morning greetings to practicing speeches for Toastmasters, discovering the Latin roots of words to discerning square root using the peg board. In a Montessori environment, student work is viewed as the normalizing force in the classroom which binds the community in a common purpose. Choosing their own work, moving with purpose from one activity to another, learning to share the space and materials, and learning to collaborate and cooperate with one another is part of the Montessori experience.
In recent months, as part of our commitment to educating you about Montessori, we’ve offered virtual parent education sessions starting with “The Core Components of Montessori,” followed by “Completing the Cycle: The Preschool and & Kindergarten Classroom'', and “Completing the Cycle: The Elementary Classroom.” Each session has been recorded and shared with you, and we hope they’ve been informative and inspiring. Classroom teachers, our admin team, and Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, are happy to chat with you to answer your questions.
Reminder - Re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year - The re-enrollment process for next year is on-going through March 1, 2021. Enrollment received after the March 1 deadline cannot be guaranteed. In order for your child to re-enroll at MCS for the 2021-2022 school year, you will need to complete the Online Enrollment Packet by logging into your FACTS Family Portal account. You do not need to complete another application on the school website. Please contact Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, if you have any questions. The re-enrollment packet, along with a $500.00 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit, is due no later than March 1, 2021
FUN RUN 2021 - We’re running into the final stretch of our 2021 Virtual Fun Run, and we are thrilled and very grateful for everyone’s collective efforts in helping us raise funds for our Children’s Education Fund. To date, we have exceeded $20,000 and look forward to reaching our goal of $30,000.
Please don’t forget that all pledges and your daily step tracker logs are due on Monday, February 22 in order to be counted toward our Top Walker, Top Fundraiser, and Top Class Awards. We can’t wait to celebrate with all of you at our Virtual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, February 25 at 6:00 p.m. The Zoom link will be provided to everyone soon.
KUPUNA DAYS - MARCH 3 & 4, 2021 - Our school year wouldn’t be complete without Kupuna Days. Although we can’t have our grandparents on campus, we invite our kupuna (grandparents) to visit with us virtually! We have designed a special program which includes an informational webinar on estate planning, presented by Estate Planning Group Hawaii, and will have special recorded videos of our children sharing their latest projects at school.
The deadline to RSVP, and to receive a custom gift box, is Wednesday, February 24. We hope kupuna, near and far, will join us for a special day. Registration is open here. See the flyer attached.
2021 Summer Programs dates for All Programs: June 7-August 6, 2021 - Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 will be open to MCS families starting on March 1. Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, will email more information shortly. Starting on March 15, registration will be open to the public.
School Photos - Due to our current health and wellbeing protocols, and in an effort to limit visitors to our school’s campus, this year’s school photographs will be taken by our staff, instead of an outside commercial photographer. Individual student photos will take place during the week of February 22. There will be no group class photos, but the individual photos will be compiled into a class photo collage. There is no fee associated with this year’s school photos. Please be sure to arrive promptly on these days. Here is the class schedule for picture-taking:
Monday, 2/22 - Upper Elementary, Little House
Tuesday, 2/23 - Room 1, Cottage
Wednesday, 2/24 - Room 2, Terrace
Thursday, 2/25 - Tree House
Friday, 2/26 - Make-up photos for absent children
Should you have any questions about School Photos, contact cari@montessorihawaii.org.
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Upcoming School Calendar:
2/22-26 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
2/22-26 School Photos (individual student photos - see classroom schedules above)
3/15-19 Spring Recess
Please take care - Marjie
NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, Feb. 15 - Presidents’ Day Holiday
Hope you all enjoy the upcoming long weekend - please stay safe and healthy!
The CDC released guidance this week regarding Improve How Your Mask Protects You. Remember that correct and consistent mask use is a critical step that we can take to prevent getting and spreading COVID-19. Make sure your mask fits snugly against your face and pick a mask with layers to keep respiratory droplets in and others’ out.
Do(s): Choose a mask with a nose wire; use a mask fitter or brace; check that it fits snugly over your nose, mouth, and chin.
Do Not: Combine two disposable masks and do not combine an N95 mask with any other mask.
The Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) reports that the current focus is to complete 2nd doses, so 1st vaccination appointments are being limited at this time due to the limited supply of the vaccine. They are hoping this will change as more becomes available. Many MCS staff have received their 1st vaccination and others will receive it shortly.
Kathy Shirakawa, Program Administrator, and I are keeping abreast of new guidelines being issued by the CDC regarding reopening or keeping schools open to achieve the benefits of in-person learning and key support services. We are in consultation with DOH regarding possible changes to quarantine rules following the receipt of both doses of the vaccine in the event of exposure to COVID19, and possible changes to the travel guidelines. As we receive guidance, we will make adjustments to our Health and Wellbeing protocols and share them with you.
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
MCS Fun Run 2021 - We’re heading into the final week of the Virtual Fun Run, and we can’t wait to celebrate everyone’s fundraising success! It’s not too late to submit your photos and videos of you moving, dancing, and tracking your steps. Don’t forget that all pledges and your daily walk tracker log are due on Monday, February 22, in order to be counted for our Awards Ceremony! And speaking of ceremony, we hope you have saved the date of Thursday, February 25, where we’ll be presenting the awards for the Top Fundraiser, Top Fundraising Class, Top Walker, and Top Team.
Kupuna Days - Our school year wouldn’t be complete without Kupuna Days. Although we can’t have our grandparents on campus, we invite our kupuna (grandparents) to visit with us virtually! We have designed a special program which includes an informational webinar on estate planning, presented by Estate Planning Group Hawaii, and will have special videos of our children sharing their latest projects at school.
The deadline to RSVP, and to receive a custom gift box, is Wednesday, February 24. We hope kupuna, near and far, will join us for a special day. Registration is open here. See the flyer below.
Reminder - Re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year - The re-enrollment process for next year is on-going through March 1, 2021. In order for your child to re-enroll at MCS for the 2021-2022 school year, you will need to complete the Online Enrollment Packet by logging into your FACTS Family Portal account. You do not need to complete another application on the school website. Please contact Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, if you have any questions. The re-enrollment packet, along with a $500.00 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit, is due no later than March 1, 2021.
Notice - There will be no MCS 2021 Spring Recess Child Care due to insufficient enrollment.
School Photos - Due to our current health and wellbeing protocols, and in an effort to limit visitors to our school’s campus, this year’s school photographs will be taken by one of our staff, instead of an outside commercial photographer. Individual student photos will take place during the week of February 22. There will be no group class photos, but the individual photos will be compiled into a class photo collage. There is no fee associated with this year’s school photos. Please be sure to arrive promptly on these days. Here is the class schedule for picture-taking:
Monday, 2/22 - Upper Elementary, Little House
Tuesday, 2/23 - Room 1, Cottage
Wednesday, 2/24 - Room 2, Terrace
Thursday, 2/25 - Tree House
Friday, 2/26 - Make-up photos for absent children
Should you have any questions, please contact cari@montessorihawaii.org.
Summer Programs 20201 - Online registration for in-person Summer Programs 2021 will be open to MCS families starting on March 1. Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, will email more information shortly. Starting on March 15, registration will be open to the public.
2021 Summer Programs dates for All Programs: June 7-August 6, 2021
Enrollment offerings:
Session I: June 7-July 2, 2021
Session II: July 6-August 6, 2021
Session I: June 7-July 2, 2021
Session II: July 6-August 6, 2021
Session I: June 7-June 18, 2021
Session II: June 21-July 2, 2021
Session III: July 6-July 23, 2021
Session IV: July 26-August 6, 2021
Please enjoy the photos below from Ms. Tiffany’s Little House classroom making dumplings in celebration of the Lunar New Year!
Upcoming School Calendar:
2/15 NO SCHOOL on MONDAY - Presidents’ Day Holiday
2/17 PFA Parent Education live webinar -
“Adventures in Montessori #3: Completing the Cycle - The Elementary Program”
2/22-26 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
2/9-26 Preschool & Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conferences (for new students only)
2/22-26 School Photos (individual student photos - see classroom schedules above)
Please take care -
5 February 2021
Marjie Carroll
Fri, Feb 5, 4:26 PM (23 hours ago)
to bcc: me
Dear families -
Some of you may know that, in the past week, those of us in education in Hawaii have become eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine because we are considered “Essential Workers” in the 1b group for the state’s vaccination roll out. Most MCS employees have registered and several of us have already had our first vaccination. This is a great relief. I’m so proud and grateful for this community that has stayed the course to fulfill our mission to serve the children and families of MCS. I’m also thankful to the scientists and federal and state health experts that have guided the Hawaii community toward better health. No doubt, there have been bumps along the way, but things are moving in the right direction and I am grateful for that.
Reminder - Re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year - The re-enrollment process for next year is on-going through March 1, 2021. In order for your child to re-enroll at MCS for the 2021-2022 school year, you will need to complete the Online Enrollment Packet by logging into your FACTS Family Portal account. You do not need to complete another application on the school website. Please contact Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, if you have any questions. The Re-enrollment packet, along with a $500.00 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit, will be due no later than March 1, 2021.
School Photos - Due to our current health and wellbeing protocols, and in an effort to limit visitors to our school’s campus, this year’s school photographs will be taken by one of our staff, instead of an outside commercial photographer. Individual student photos will take place during the week of February 22. There will be no group class photos, but the individual photos will be compiled into a class photo collage. There is no fee associated with this year’s school photos. Please be sure to arrive promptly on these days. Here is the class schedule for picture-taking:
Monday, 2/22 - Upper Elementary, Little House
Tuesday, 2/23 - Room 1, Cottage
Wednesday, 2/24 - Room 2, Terrace
Thursday, 2/25 - Tree House
Friday, 2/26 - Make-up photos for absent children
Should you have any questions, please contact cari@montessorihawaii.org.
Reminder - MCS 2021 Spring Recess Child Care enrollment forms were emailed to parents on January 11. Hard copies of the forms are also available at the school office. Spring Recess child care is optional and not included in your annual tuition. Completed enrollment forms and payment are due no later than Monday, February 8, 2021. A minimum enrollment in each program is required for the Spring Recess Child Care to be available.
Fun Run 2021 - Great job, MCS Superheroes! We’ve raised just a little over $9,000 for our Children’s Education Fund! We’re so proud of everyone’s Hulk-like hard work and Captain America-like stamina. Thanks to all of you that have registered and have helped us fundraise so that we can support those in our school community with tuition support. Our goal is $30,000 and with your help, we can make it happen!
This week was Superhero Week so don’t forget to post, tag, or email your videos or photos of you being active while wearing your superhero costume! You can email them development@montessorihawaii.org. We’ve been impressed with the Spider-Man speed some of you are sharing with us. Keep it up!
We can’t wait until the kick-off of Week #3 so be on the lookout for the Monday email and video! Each child will receive another incentive prize to make them “gogo.”
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe ~
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Upcoming School Calendar:
2/15 NO SCHOOL - Presidents’ Day Holiday
2/17 PFA - Adventures in Montessori #3:
Completing the Cycle - The Elementary Program
2/22-26 Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences
Please take good care -
29 January 2021
Dear families -
I hope you are staying safe and dry during this wet and windy season! I know that as you have arrived at MCS for drop off or pick up in recent days you’ve seen our staff, including me, working outside in the rain, many times getting soaked. Every day we hear sympathetic and thankful comments from you, our supportive parents, and we are very happy to receive them. It’s true, it can be a little uncomfortable out there, but, for me, I think that this little bit of rain is the least of my worries. In a way, it is reassuring in that I know I will soon dry off and the sun will shine again soon. I try to think of our troubles these days in a similar way, knowing that in all our lives, tempests will loom and storms befall us, but with the tools we have at hand and mighty perseverance, we can weather it. Let’s hang in there together with caring, respectful, and open minds.
Re-Enrollment for 2021-2022 - This morning, you were sent an email from me regarding Tuition rates for the next school year, 2021-2022. And, on Monday, February 1, 2021, you will receive an email from Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions, regarding re-enrollment. Please get in touch with Cari at (808) 522-0244 or cari@montessorihawaii.org with any questions about the re-enrollment process.
In order for your child to re-enroll at MCS for the 2021-2022 school year, you will need to complete the Online Enrollment Packet by logging into your FACTS Family Portal account. You do not need to complete another application on the school website. The Re-enrollment packet, along with a $500.00 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit, will be due no later than March 1, 2021.
MCS Annual Fun Run (Virtual) 2021 - This past Monday, we kicked off our 28th Annual (Virtual) Fun Run, and many of you have been stepping up to raise funds for our Children’s Education Fund and stepping out to get your exercise and have fun outdoors. If you haven’t registered yet, please go to www.montessorihawaii.org/funrun and sign up. Forty Teams have registered so far, and everyone that registers this week receives a $5 donation to their Fun Run page!
In just a few short days, we’ve raised $6,702. We’re grateful for the tremendous support from friends and family, near and far, and can’t wait to celebrate when we hit our $30,000 goal! Don’t forget to track your daily steps using the pedometers. If you have any issues with your pedometer, please go to the front office to receive a replacement. We want to be sure you don’t miss out on achieving your daily step goal!
PFA Snowman Snowday - Thank you to those who created a snowman for our PFA Family Activity! Here is a video of all of the creations. Please be mindful that some photos of children are included and the video should not be shared beyond our MCS Community. Enjoy watching it with your family!
Adventures in Montessori 2: Completing the Cycle in Preschool & Kindergarten: This past Tuesday, MCS offered the second in the Adventures in Montessori series, focusing on fundamentals of the Montessori approach. If you missed it, here is the recording of Adventures in Montessori 2: Completing the Cycle in Preschool & Kindergarten. The next session in February will focus on the Elementary program in both Lower and Upper Elementary - more information to follow with the date and time.
Reminder - MCS 2021 Spring Recess Child Care enrollment forms were emailed to parents on January 11. Hard copies of the forms are also available at the school office. Spring Recess child care is optional and not included in your annual tuition. Completed enrollment forms and payment are due no later than February 8, 2021. A minimum enrollment in each program is required for the Spring Recess Child Care to be available.
Wear a mask - COVID-19 is an airborne virus that is transmitted primarily from person to person in close proximity. To stay safe, wear a mask and keep your distance from others. You may have read or seen in recent days that there are COVID variants spreading across the globe, including Hawaii, some of which have a higher rate of transmission than others. To mitigate against these variants, some public health officials are recommending wearing a mask with a higher degree of protection such as an N95, KN95 or KN94 mask, or double masking with a surgical mask and cloth mask. To learn more about the different types of masks, their letters and numbers, click here and here. Although we are not requiring it of our students, staff, parents, or visitors at this time, if you are looking for a greater degree of protection, consider upping your protection with these alternatives. The important thing is to wear a well-fitting, layered mask at all times when in public, keep your distance from others, and wash your hands.
Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Upcoming School Calendar:
2/5 NO SCHOOL - Staff Professional Day
2/15 NO SCHOOL - Presidents’ Day Holiday
Please take good care - Marjie
22 January 2021
Dear Families -
We are so excited to kick-off our 2021 Fun Run on Monday, January 25! All children will be receiving their Fun Run packets today and a little Fun Run incentive every Monday for the next few weeks to inspire and celebrate our efforts!
We’re going virtual this year which means that our entire MCS community can participate in our 4-week long celebration of fun, fitness, and fundraising! Go to www.montessorihawaii.org/funrun to register and help us reach our $30,000 goal to support our Children’s Education Fund.
Reminder - Re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year - For children currently enrolled at MCS, the re-enrollment process for next year will begin on February 1, 2021. In order for your child to re-enroll for the 2021-2022 school year, you will need to complete the Online Enrollment Packet by logging into your FACTS Family Portal account. You do not need to complete another application on the school website. Please be on the lookout for an email with links and instructions from Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions. The Re-enrollment packet, along with a $500.00 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit, will be due no later than March 1, 2021.Spring Recess Child Care enrollment forms were emailed to parents on January 11. Hard copies of the forms are also available at the school office. Spring Recess child care is optional and not included in your annual tuition. Completed enrollment forms and payment are due no later than February 8, 2021. A minimum enrollment in each program is required for the Spring Recess Child Care to be available.
Wear a mask - COVID-19 is an airborne virus that is transmitted primarily from person to person in close proximity. To stay safe, wear a mask and keep your distance from others. Check out this page from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Working together, we can keep our MCS ohana safe.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Theft - Reminder to lock your car door - Although we have had no additional problems of theft at MCS since my previous note, I want to remind you to protect yourself from theft. Please be sure to lock your car doors, and don’t leave anything valuable visible from your car windows. Even small amounts of money in change can be a lure to someone who is desperate. Also, do not leave your child unattended in your car or your car running in the parking area. Let us know if you experience or observe any untoward or suspicious activity.
Meet one of our newest Snow Friends! - Don't forget to build your homemade snowman using the accessories sent home earlier this week and send a picture to pfa@montessorihawaii.org by Monday, January 25. Cari will include it in a video to share with you. See cute sample image plus a recipe for playdoh below, or you can use cotton balls, paper or even a sandman created while playing at the beach!
Upcoming School Calendar:
1/23 Virtual - Admissions Open House, 9:00-10:30AM
1/26 Virtual - PFA’s “Adventures in Montessori Part 2: Completing the Cycle in the Preschool & Kindergarten Program”, 4:00-5:00PM
2/5 NO SCHOOL - Staff Professional Day
2/15 NO SCHOOL - Presidents’ Day Holiday
Please take good care - Marjie
15 January 2021
Dear Families -
NO SCHOOL this coming MONDAY, January 18 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Happy Friday, everybody! I hope you are looking forward to this long weekend, taking time for some important R & R. Take a hike, swim, surf, or beach retreat, or take a visit to a botanical garden; Koko Crater Botanical Garden is an unusual one and in a very cool location inside the crater. There's so much beauty in our midst that can help clear and ease our troubled minds, and I’m planning to get out there!
Stay healthy! In a recent conversation with Cathy Ross, Deputy Director at the Hawaii Department of Health and a parent at MCS, she shared with me her concern about the new strain of COVID-19. Although it has yet to make its way to the islands, public health officials are watching carefully since the new mutation has demonstrated that it can move quickly through a population. The good thing is we know how to mitigate against the spread by doing what we already do: wear a mask, keep our distance, sanitize, and wash our hands. Another equally important step is to limit the size of your ohana bubble and avoid large gatherings. In Hawaii, it is anticipated that the rates of infection will begin to decline following the holiday season, and, coupled with a growing population of people vaccinated, the health of our community should improve.
As educators and employees in a school, the staff at MCS are considered “essential workers” and, therefore, included in Phase 1b according to the Hawaii Department of Health. As such, all our staff will be eligible sometime soon to receive the COVID-19 vaccine according to the Hawaii DOH Vaccine roll-out plan. This afternoon, the MCS staff will have an opportunity to hear directly from experts about the vaccine and the roll-out from Cathy Ross (see above), Dr. Vince Yamashiroya (MCS’ consulting pediatrician), and Dr. Lester Morehead (hospitalist at Queen’s Medical Center and MCS parent) at a Virtual Vaccine Information session. Our staff, like frontline medical workers, first responders, and elderly caregivers, have willingly taken risks with their health in order to serve the MCS community, and I’m looking forward to the day when we are protected by a vaccine that reduces the risk of infection and serious ill health.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19 -
When you leave home:
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Watch your distance. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
MCS 2021 Spring Recess Child Care enrollment forms were emailed to parents on January 11. Hard copies of the forms are also available at the school office. Spring Recess child care is optional and not included in your annual tuition. Completed enrollment forms and payment are due no later than February 8.
Re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year - For all children currently enrolled at MCS, the re-enrollment process for next year will begin on February 1, 2021. In order for your child to re-enroll for the 2021-2022 school year, you will need to complete the Online Enrollment Packet by logging into your FACTS Family Portal account. You do not need to complete another application on the school website. Please be on the lookout for an email with links and instructions from Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions. The Re-enrollment packet, along with a $500.00 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit, will be due no later than March 1, 2021.
MCS Alert Status - The data about the spread of COVID-19 in Hawaii appears to be plateauing following a slight surge from the holiday season. Let’s hope a downward trend begins soon. I follow the HI-EMA COVID-19 Information Dashboard, Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Dashboard, and COVID Pau Dashboard on a daily basis to see how Oahu and our state is doing. The Board of Trustees and I are mindful of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guideline of 5% positivity for remaining open. Please be aware that it is possible in the coming days that MCS will move from status Yellow (fully open) to status Orange (partially open). Status Orange means that some parts of the campus may be closed to on-campus learning due to a COVID outbreak on campus, or a decision to start distance learning for a program level. For example, the Elementary program might need to return to distance learning should infection rates continue to rise on Oahu. Should that happen, I will be in touch with you immediately to inform you of any changes and how they will affect you and your child.
Tuesday Tea with Marjie - Below is a Zoom invitation for “Tuesday Tea with Marjie”, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 4:15-5:15PM. The agenda is open, and is an opportunity for us to chat about and answer any questions you may have about MCS. If I can’t answer your question in the moment, I’ll find out and get back to you.
Topic: MCS - Tuesday Tea with Marjie
Time: Jan 19, 2021 04:15 PM Hawaii
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 904 601 4114
Passcode: MCS@Tea
The Little House Kindergartners had a special lesson this week focusing on Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as Ms. Rosa Parks. They each chose a quote from Dr. King that they liked, and made a special poster in honor of Dr. King. Thank you, Ms. Tiffany and Ms. Kat, for inspiring and leading your students! See pics below.
Upcoming School Calendar:
1/18 No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
1/19 Virtual - “Tuesday Tea with Marjie,” 4:15-5:15PM
1/23 Virtual - Admissions Open House, 9:00-10:30AM
1/26 Virtual - PFA’s “Adventures in Montessori 2,” 4:00-5:00PM
Please take good care - Marjie
8 January 20201
Dear Families -
I hope this note finds you well. Before getting into the nuts and bolts and important information about MCS, I’d like to share a few thoughts with you about this very trying moment in our nation’s history.
As the new year began, I was, and I know you were, hoping for some relief and for a degree of resolution on multiple fronts regarding public health, racial tension and justice, and the peaceful transition of power following the election. With the advent of the COVID-19 vaccine, thankfully, we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and on issues of racial justice and equity, many, many people have become mobilized in efforts to bend the arc in the direction of good. Though we have miles to go before we rest and much work lies ahead, there is progress being made and we can recommit to playing our part.
Unfortunately, the terrible, violent, and traumatic events at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday have highlighted just how far the nation has strayed from its resolve to address problems through peaceful means, striking hard at democratic principles and norms and threatening our national security. As American citizens, we are left stunned and reeling.
At times like this, I look for inspiration in the words and actions of others, like the late Representative John Lewis of Georgia, who lived through many a tempest and spent a lifetime teaching and leading the country through adversity and change. I have attached a short excerpt from his memoir of the Civil Rights movement, and I urge you to take just a few minutes to read it. The story is a real one from his childhood, and it is also a metaphor for a life lived in commitment to the work of justice and peace.
Like Lewis, as educators, at MCS we are believers in the dream of a better day. We believe that in our children, there is hope. Everyday, whether in lessons, in play, in collaboration, in sharing, or in problem-solving, we teach and learn about how to live in a community. We teach and learn about respect. We teach and learn about responsibility. We teach and learn about kindness. We teach and learn about civility. We teach and learn about persistence, and we never give up, even when we falter, in our mission to contribute to the betterment of our world. As teachers, and as parents and Board members, we come together to do as John Lewis and his little friends did, to firm up the foundation and keep our house in order for the future.
This is now our turn, “children holding hands, walking with the wind,” together, in the spirit of Aloha, and we will weather this storm.
MCS Alert Status - As I’m sure you know, the data about the spread of COVID-19 in Hawaii is not good at this time, and it appears to be attributable to community spread as opposed to visiting travelers. The Board of Trustees and I are following the data, and mindful that we are approaching the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guideline of 5% positivity for remaining open. The Board and I will be meeting early next week to consider MCS’ status, and you should be aware that it is possible that in the coming days MCS will move from status Yellow (fully open) to status Orange (partially open). Status Orange means that some parts of the campus may be closed to on-campus learning. For example, it may mean that our Elementary program will return for a period of time to distance learning. Should that happen, I will be in touch with you immediately to inform you of details about how any change will affect you and your child.
The 3 W’s of COVID-19 - We’re in the 4th quarter with COVID-19 and MCS is keeping up our defense. MCS’ practice is based on the guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), and Hawaii Department of Human Services (DHS) guidelines.
When you leave home:
Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.
Wait 6 feet apart. Avoid close contact.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer.
Mask wearing - Wearing a mask is required for all people who come onto the MCS campus including staff, students (except for children under 3), parents, and visitors. Send your child to school wearing a clean face mask everyday, with a spare in their backpacks, if possible. Clean masks are essential to your child’s good health. A dirty mask is akin to wearing dirty underwear (ew!), so one that is fresh and clean is essential.
Re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year - For all children currently enrolled at MCS, the re-enrollment process for next year will begin on February 1, 2021. In order for your child to re-enroll for the 2021-2022 school year, you will need to complete the Online Enrollment Packet by logging into your FACTS Family Portal account. You do not need to complete another application on the school website. Please be on the lookout for an email with links and instructions from Cari Suzuki, Director of Admissions. The Re-enrollment packet, along with a $500.00 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit, will be due no later than March 1, 2021.
Theft - I regret to inform you that over the Winter Recess, we experienced a presumed incident of theft on our campus inside the office. We have taken immediate steps to better protect our campus and will be taking a further look at improving campus security. To protect yourself, please make sure to lock your car doors, and not leave anything valuable visible to others. Also, do not leave your car running in the parking areas, and let us know if you experience any untoward or suspicious activity.
MCS Virtual Fun Run - The MCS Virtual Fun Run will kick off on Monday, January 25. I’m looking forward to seeing this special annual event, which raises funds for tuition support for families at MCS, roll out. Running/walking, super heroes, and pedometers are part of the package so stay tuned for more information. Kupuna Days is also being reconfigured to create a safe way for our kupuna and keiki to get together and share about their learning at MCS.
Tuesday Tea with Marjie - Be on the lookout for a Zoom invitation for Tuesday Tea with Marjie, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 4:15-5:15.
Upcoming School Calendar:
1/18 No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday
1/19 Virtual - Tuesday Tea with Marjie
1/23 Virtual - Admissions Open House
1/26 Virtual PFA - “Adventures in Montessori”
Please take good care - Marjie
December 31, 2020
Dear families -
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, Jan. 4, when school resumes. Please look forward to my regular Friday message next week!
December 11, 2020
Dear Families -
Thanks to the efforts of all the MCS Ohana and the broader Oahu community, COVID-19 has been kept at bay from the MCS campus. At present, MCS is in Status Yellow - all classrooms are open; no COVID-19 exists on campus; and the State of Hawaii guidelines permit essential services, including schools, to remain open with some mandates imposed on citizens/businesses. Although the number of cases in Hawaii has gone up somewhat in the past seven days, the percent positive has hovered at about 2% and is below the 5% WHO guidelines for opening schools, and Hawaii is in Tier 2. The MCS Board of Trustees and I are keeping abreast of the data, and will make adjustments as needed to respond to the needs of the community.
The State of Hawaii has not yet published a full COVID-19 Vaccination Plan for the distribution and dispensation of a vaccine, and we don’t yet know what guidelines will be written for schools. We expect that school personnel will have some degree of priority for receiving the vaccine, but we do not have the details yet. I will share information with you as soon as I have it. Please check the Department of Health DOH - COVID19 Vaccine Information site to learn more.
With the potential Thanksgiving holiday gathering outcomes not yet past, and the holiday season and travel outcomes yet to come, our community is likely to be put at greater risk. I ask you to be vigilant and keep the following best practices in mind:
* Keep a safe distance from others
* Maintain a small family/friend ‘ohana
* Avoid large gatherings
* Wear a mask in public.
Travel Guidelines - If you plan to travel over the holidays, please remember to follow the
Safe Travel Guidelines so that you and your children need not quarantine upon your return. Although the guidelines only require negative test results within 72 hours prior to your travel, we would also appreciate it if you and your child were to take a second test upon your return to doubly ensure your good health. Mahalo for all you are doing to take care of yourself and others during the pandemic.
Repeat - Reminder that there are no left turns out of the MCS driveway in the morning between 7:30-8:30AM, and in the afternoon between 2:30-3:00PM. Making a left turn during those times can slow traffic flow all the way around our driveway so please take the right and loop around. Sorry for the inconvenience. Your cooperation is appreciated.
And, please remember to place the colorful name placards on your dashboard at drop off and pick up. It may not seem to you that it should make a difference, but it is very helpful to all those on duty at those times.
Another repeat because we love children’s art! See the image below of just one example of why we do! - Admissions Director Cari Suzuki is asking for the children’s help in decorating the MCS Office windows! Despite a challenging year, there is still much to be grateful for. All MCS children (and adults!) are invited to create artwork to hang in the MCS Office windows that answers the question, "What are you thankful for this year?"
Artwork should be done on a 8.5"x11" paper and should be brought to the MCS Office by Thursday, December 17. We can't wait to see your creations!
And, finally, from the MCS Office, I hope this MCS Holiday Greetings video helps you get into the spirit of the season with decorations created by Kelly Newhouse, “Rock Those Jingle Bells” performed by Upper Elementary students, and video created by Cari Suzuki. In spite of all the challenges this year, we are enjoying the joyous holiday season!
Please take good care ~ Marjie
Upcoming School Calendar:
12/21-1/1 No School - Winter Recess
1/24 School Office Closes ½ day at noon
12/25 School Office Closed - Christmas holiday
12/31 School Office Closes ½ day at noon
1/1 School Office Closed - New Year’s Day holiday
1/4 School Resumes
1/18 No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday
1/19 Virtual - Tuesday Tea with Marjie 4:15-5:15PM
1/23 Virtual - Admissions Open House
December 4, 2020
Dear Families -
We are counting down to the holiday break! I hope you and your family are getting ready in your own special way and looking forward to the joys of the season. Although my family is far away, I have so many fun and happy memories of holidays with my (now grown-up) children, my brothers and sister, my parents, my extended family and friends, that fill me up with gratitude. Wishing you peace and joy in the coming weeks.
Several notes -
MCS 2020 Food Drive sponsored by the 6th graders in the Upper Elementary - Every year, the 6th graders organize the MCS Food Drive during the holiday season. This year, due to the pandemic, instead of bringing canned goods and other non-perishable food items, the MCS Food Drive is accepting monetary donations. Each child in the school is encouraged to participate, and the 6th graders created videos that will be shared with classrooms with information about how and why to donate to the MCS 2020 Food Drive. Here is one of the videos: MCS Food Drive video The Upper Elementary students also put up a poster (below) which is visible near the steps at the elementary drop off tree.
There will be a box in each classroom where your child can place their donation of cash or a check made out to Montessori Community School. MCS will write a check to the Food Bank for the total amount received in checks and cash.
The Food Bank has a nice website, https://hawaiifoodbank.org/, where you can also donate online if you choose. If you do, please have your child bring a note to school showing the amount that was donated. That way, the 6th graders can make an accurate tally of the total amount their effort generated.
Here are some suggestions and examples of how far your Food Drive donations will go -
$5.00 A bag of apples
$2.81 Feed a child breakfast for a week
$16.84 Feed a family dinner for a week
$12.43 Feed a Senior Lunch for a month
$10.00 Purchase 25 Meals
The MCS Food Drive ends on Wednesday, Dec. 16. Thank you for your support and for sharing your blessings!
Artwork for the Office - Speaking of gratitude, Admissions Director Cari Suzuki is asking for the children’s help in decorating the MCS Office windows! Despite a challenging year, there is still much to be grateful for. All MCS children (and adults!) are invited to create artwork to hang in the MCS Office windows that answers the question, "What are you thankful for this year?"
Artwork should be done on a 8.5"x11" paper and should be brought to the MCS Office by Friday, December 11. We can't wait to see your creations!
Travel Guidelines - Please remember to follow the Safe Travel Guidelines so that you and your children need not quarantine upon your return. Although the guidelines only require negative test results within 72 hours prior to your travel, we would also appreciate it if you and your child were to take a second test upon your return to doubly ensure your good health. Mahalo for all you are doing to take care of yourself and others during this pandemic.
Educational Scholarships - Educational scholarships for the 2021-2022 school year are now being accepted for Kamehameha School’s Kipona Scholarship and Pauahi Keiki Scholars tuition support programs. The deadline for applications is December 15th. If you have questions regarding tuition support for next year, please contact Robert, Director of Finance: finance@montessorihawaii.org
Giving Tuesday - Special thanks to all those who made a donation to MCS on Giving Tuesday! Jennifer in the Development Office reports that, through your generosity, we recieved $2783.00 put toward our Annual Fund! Mahalo for your support!
Film Crew on MCS campus - On the morning of Wednesday, December 9, a film crew will be on the MCS campus to create a video sponsored by Covid Pau that will tell the story of how the pandemic has affected the lives of people, businesses, schools, and institutions in our Hawaii community. The film crew will be just two people, one of which is Jay Hanamura, MCS graduate and current member of the MCS Board of Trustees. He and his assistant will follow the MCS health guidelines including health screening, the wearing of masks, and keeping at least six feet away from students, and they will be accompanied by Cari Suzuki and myself. As always, we will honor any request on file barring the use of photographs or filming of certain children.
One last item - Reminder that there are no left turns out of the MCS driveway in the morning between 7:30-8:30AM, and in the afternoon between 2:30-3:00PM. Making a left turn during those times can slow traffic flow all the way around our driveway so please take the right and loop around. Sorry for the inconvenience. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Please take good care -
November 20, 2020
Dear Families -
Just a couple of quick notes since you will also be receiving the MCS Family Connections eNewsletter later today.
Winter Recess Child Care - There will be no Winter Recess Child Care during the winter break. There was insufficient demand to meet the minimum requirements to run the program.
Travel Guidelines - There have been a number of questions raised about how to address travel plans and the current state of Hawaii guidelines.
MCS is in alignment with the State of Hawaii's travel guidelines. If you answer YES to the question, “Have you, or anyone in your household, been on a flight or traveled outside of the State of Hawaii?”, MCS will require that your child be off campus for 14 days starting from the date of exposure to the traveler or from the time that your child returns from traveling. In order to avoid this consequence, you and your child or your visitor must take a COVID-19 test following the State of Hawaii Safe Travels guidelines using the Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) from a certified Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) within 72 hours prior to travel. If the results are negative, your child will then be able to come to school. As a precaution, some families have offered to have themselves or their out-of-state visitors take another COVID-19 test upon arrival in (or return to) Hawaii. This is not required, but it is something you might consider if you wish to take additional precautions.
Please click here for details about the State of Hawaii’s Safe Travels Hawaii Program
One of our crafty staff members sent me this link for super cute and easy Thanksgiving Craft ideas to decorate your household.
Upcoming School events:
12/21-1/1 No School - Winter Recess
1/24 School Office Closes ½ day at noon
12/25 School Office Closed - Christmas holiday
12/31 School Office Closes ½ day at noon
1/1 School Office Closed - New Year’s Day holiday
1/4 School Resumes
1/18 No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday
1/19 Virtual - Tuesday Tea with Marjie 4:15-5:15PM
1/23 Virtual - Admissions Open House
Have a safe and healthy weekend!
Please take good care,
November 13, 2020
Dear families -
As we approach the holiday season, I want to encourage everyone to be thoughtful about your travel and gathering plans. On the Hawaii Department of Health website, you’ll find some suggestions about how to create safe gatherings with your family and friends to protect yourselves and others from the spread of COVID-19. As I’m sure you know, while we are still in Tier 2 in terms of Honolulu's reopening plan, the case counts are moving up. So far, it is not tourists that are causing the rise; it is our own local residents. Let’s all do our part, and encourage others to do so, too, in the coming weeks, so that we can continue to come to school and enjoy learning together on campus.
I also want to remind the Two-Year-Old and Preschool & Kindergarten families that the deadline for signing up for Winter Recess childcare is this coming Thursday, November 19. Each classroom must have a minimum enrollment of ten in order to run, so sign up now before the opportunity is lost. Contact Joanne in the front office if you have any questions: joanne@montessorihawaii.org
Last Saturday, MCS held its first virtual Open House, sponsored by the Admissions Department, and hosted by Cari Suzuki. Approximately 30 families joined us for an introduction to MCS, and then joined smaller breakout groups in the Two-Year-Old, Preschool & Kindergarten, and Elementary programs. Our potential families watched videos and heard directly from classroom teachers about their programs, and they had plenty of time for Q & A. If you know of anyone interested in learning more about our school, please let them know that they can join us for the next Open House on Saturday, January 23, 2021, from 9:00-10:30am. Please get in touch with Cari Suzuki for more information: admissions@montessorihawaii.org
November Parent-Teacher-Conferences
11/26-27 Thanksgiving Recess
12/21-1/1 Winter Recess - NO SCHOOL
1/4/2021 School Resumes
Please take good care - Marjie
November 6, 2020
Dear families -
It was great fun to see so many happy children and adults last Friday at the PFA Halloween Family Fun Event! (pics below) We had over 50 families login to show off their creative, fun-loving and silly selves in costume and to share their super cute mini-pumpkins! Thanks to Emily Steiner, parent, and Cari Suzuki, PFA liaison, for designing and planning the event. MCS is very much in need of PFA leadership this year, so please let Cari know of your interest in supporting the MCS PFA ohana in the coming year!
Health Screening / Travel question - MCS’ daily health screening travel questions will remain the same regarding your household’s recent travel experiences. If you answer YES to a travel question, MCS will require that your child be off campus for 14 days starting from the date of exposure to the traveler or from the time that your child returns from traveling. In order to avoid this consequence, your visitor should take a COVID test following the State of Hawaii Safe Travels guidelines using the Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) from a certified Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) within 72 hours of travel, and the results should be negative. Your child will then be able to come to school. As a precaution, some families have even offered to have their out-of-state visiting family members take another COVID test upon arrival in Hawaii. This is not required, but it is something you might consider if you want to take additional precautions.
Please click here for details about the State of Hawaii’s Safe Travels Hawaii Program
Masks & Distancing - Please remember that MCS Health and Wellbeing policies require everyone to wear a mask while on campus. Practice donning your mask prior to exiting your vehicle, and, to the extent possible, remain at a distance of six feet from others especially while standing in line. Masks should be worn appropriately, covering both the nose and the mouth. Masks with vents are not permitted. We appreciate your cooperation in protecting everyone’s good health.
Winter Recess Child Care enrollment - Yesterday, Two-Year-Old and Preschool & Kindergarten parents were emailed information about how to register for Winter Recess Child Care. We will not be offering Winter Recess care for the elementary program this year. Please contact Joanne at: joanne@montessorihawaii.org for more information.
Elementary Parent-Teacher-Conferences & MAP Growth/Standardized tests - At upcoming Parent-Teacher-Conferences (PTC), your child’s teacher will be sharing with you the many ways they have learned about what your child knows or is able to do. Our teachers use a variety of evidence with which to assess a child’s academic learning such as project outcomes, written work, math and science notebooks, artwork, spelling tests, and homework, as well as other tools and observations to assess whether a child is meeting expectations for personal growth and development. In addition, elementary students from 3rd through 6th grade are currently completing standardized testing using the NWEA-MAP Growth assessment. Over a period of approximately one week, students took several tests including Math, Reading, Language Usage, and Science (Upper Elementary only) based on the Common Core State Standards CCSS and Next Generation Science Standards NGSS. These reasonable and clear standards have been adopted by many states, including Hawaii, as benchmarks for what a student should know and be able to do by grade level by the end of an academic year.
As a private school, we are not obligated to meet Hawaii's state standards, nevertheless, we are accountable for our student's learning. Within a few days, elementary parents of 3rd through 6th grade students will receive their child’s individualized test outcomes. Your classroom teacher will discuss those results with you during upcoming Parent-Teacher-Conferences. Please remember that a standardized test is only one way of measuring a child’s academic achievement and progress. Your classroom teacher will share all the other meaningful ways that they understand what your child knows and is able to do. See the attachment below for a Family Guide to MAP, and click here to reach the Family Resource page of NWEA for more information.
Upcoming important dates:
11/7 Virtual Open House (optional for current families)
11/11 Veterans’ Day holiday - NO SCHOOL
11/26-27 Thanksgiving Recess
12/21-1/1 Winter Recess - NO SCHOOL
1/4 School Resumes
Please take good care ~ Marjie
October 30, 2020
Dear Families -
Morning Drop Off - Elementary families should do their best to be in the Drop-Off lane prior to 8:00am. School starts at 8:00am and teachers must be in their classrooms to get their school day started on time. Thank you for your cooperation.
MCS Reopening Plan Section 5 - Based on the case count (7-day rolling average between 50-100) and percent positive (between 2.5-5%), Honolulu is currently in Tier 2 of the C&C reopening strategy. MCS remains in Status Orange according to the MCS Reopening Plan Plan since Honolulu City and County are only in Tier 2. (See chart below)
Upcoming important dates:
11/3 Election Day - School is open
11/7 Virtual Open House (optional for current families)
11/11 Veterans’ Day - NO SCHOOL
11/26-27 Thanksgiving Recess
Please enjoy the image below of one of the decorated mini pumpkins made by the creative staff at MCS! We’re all especially fond of Ms. Health Screemer made by Ms. Joanne in the front office!
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the PFA Halloween event this evening!
October 23, 2020
Dear Families -
Thanks to all who participated and supported MCS during the recent Virtual HAIS/AMS Self-Study & Visiting Committee event. Earlier this week, the Visiting Committee (VC) toured our school, observed in classrooms, and met with members of the MCS community to learn more about our Montessori programs, Mission, Student Learning Experience and Program, Faculty and Pedagogy, Marketing and Advancement, Safety and Health protocols, Governance and Decision-Making, Finance, and Climate and Community. I was happy to see that a number of our parents were able to attend the final virtual VC presentation on Wednesday afternoon in which they shared their observations of MCS’s major strengths and recommendations for areas for growth. These will be reiterated in the Summary Report which we should receive shortly and will share with you. The next steps in the process will be notification to us from both HAIS and AMS of our new terms of accreditation, and the updating of the school’s Strategic Plan by the MCS Board of Trustees to include plans for addressing the recommended areas for school improvement.
Many thanks to all who contributed to Foodland’s Give Aloha matching gift program - We learned today that, once again, generous MCS donors landed us in the top 100 of donor organizations, allowing us to reach our Development goal of $10,000.00. Funds from Give Aloha contribute to MCS funds for teacher professional development, helping us to ensure high quality Montessori teachers in every classroom.
I also want to thank you for supporting the school’s Health and Wellbeing protocols by the wearing of masks and keeping safe and cozy Ohana groupings outside of school. We hear from many of you about how much you appreciate our efforts, and it makes us feel good knowing that you are also doing your part to safeguard the MCS community.
The PFA VIRTUAL HALLOWEEN FAMILY SHARING event! See the flyer below for details about next Friday’s Halloween Family Sharing event. The PFA has purchased a mini white pumpkin for every child to take home, decorate, and share. Have your child/ren dress up in costume and join us for the virtual event next Friday starting at 5:30pm. Meeting information will be sent out by the PFA on Monday, October 26.
Logo Items & Mask Sales- See the image and flyer below for information regarding purchase of MCS Logo items and MCS masks. With the holidays coming up, these could be good stocking stuffers! To order Logo items, please contact: pfa@montessorihawaii.org
Reminder / NOTICE of Late Fee for the 2:30 program - The school day at Montessori Community School ends at 2:30 p.m. Pick up time is between 2:30–2:45 p.m. Effective October 26, 2020, should any child be picked up after 2:45 p.m., a Late Fee will be charged. The fee is $15.00 if the child is picked up any time within the first 15 minutes (between 2:46-3:00 p.m.). After 3:00 p.m. an additional $5.00 per each minute will be charged. The Finance Department will invoice for the late fee collection.
Please take good care - Marjie
October 16, 202
Dear Families -
This Sunday, MCS will welcome a Visiting Committee from the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS) and the American Montessori Society (AMS) to examine our school’s application for re-accreditation. Earlier this year, we submitted a Self-Study report, and now a team from HAIS and AMS will conduct virtual meetings with various MCS focus groups of faculty, administration, Board of Trustees, and parents, to hear directly from us and verify that we are meeting the rigorous standards of a high quality, independent Montessori school. The HAIS and AMS Self-Study process asks us to reflect on and answer questions regarding our Mission, the Student Learning Experience and Program, Faculty and Pedagogy, Marketing and Advancement, Safety and Health protocols, Governance and Decision-Making, Finance, and Climate and Community, among other things.
You are invited to attend a short Zoom presentation by the HAIS and AMS Visiting Committee on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 3:10-3:30 p.m. at which they will share what they view as MCS’ major strengths and areas for growth. They will then submit a written report, as well as their recommendations for our term of accreditation, to the HAIS and AMS review committees.
Zoom Meeting ID: 906 263 8012
Password: CariVC
Professional Day - Earlier this week, MCS educators had a Professional Day. Some of the things we accomplished were required First Aid training for teachers and administrators (see photo below), preparation for the aforementioned HAIS/AMS Visiting Committee, and Fire Department alarm test and drill practice. Teachers are also getting ready for upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please look for information from classroom teachers to sign up.
Health Screening and Travel guidelines - MCS will continue its current 14-day quarantine policy for travel outside of the State of Hawaii. We are in consultation with health experts to consider how best to adjust to the new travel guidelines that will continue to protect our community as best we can. Thank you for your patience. We know that many of you are choosing to stay put for the holidays in order to protect your family and others in the community, and we are grateful for your consideration.
NOTICE of Late Fee for the 2:30 program - The school day at Montessori Community School ends at 2:30 p.m. Pick up time is between 2:30–2:45 p.m. Effective October 26, 2020, should any child be picked up after 2:45 p.m., a late fee will be charged. The fee is $15.00 if the child is picked up any time within the first 15 minutes (between 2:46-3:00 p.m.). After 3:00 p.m. an additional $5.00 per each minute will be charged. The Finance Department will invoice for the late fee collection.
Fun Run - Due to COVID, the school’s annual Fun Run (fundraising event), which was scheduled for October 30, has been postponed until the Spring. Further information to come.
Save the Date: PFA Halloween Evening of Fun! - Friday, Oct. 30 at 5:30p.m. More information to come.
Please take good care -
October 9, 2020
Dear families -
We’re at the end of the second week of all hands on deck, all students on the MCS campus. It’s a great thing to be back together, and we love being with you. Yes, we’re sweating a little more than usual, paddling hard through uncharted waters, and we miss the comfort of familiar shores, but our destination remains constant - at MCS, our aim is to provide an educational experience and lay a foundation that will last a lifetime. We’re learning how to do this as a community, staff, children, and parents alike, and we thank you for your support and patience as we take this journey together.
Monday, Oct. 12th is a Federal Holiday - No School for children
(Professional Day for staff)
“Tuesday Tea with Marjie” - Please join me on Tuesday, Oct.13, 8:45 a.m.- 9:45 a.m. for “Tuesday Tea with Marjie.” This is an informal session for you to bring up items of concern to you, and for me to share my thoughts. There is no fixed agenda - we set it when we get together. Here is the Zoom link:
Topic: MCS - Tuesday Tea with Marjie
Time: Oct 13, 2020 08:45 AM Hawaii
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 2373 9110
Passcode: TeaMarjie
Drop-Off and Pick-Up - Drop-off is going well thanks to everyone’s cooperation. Elementary families - please remember to scoot over to the far right to make room for a third, drive-through lane on the left. Also, a reminder that the pick-up window is between 2:30-2:45 p.m. Lining up early can cause traffic congestion in the driveway and up onto Nehoa Street. We’ve already heard the “woop-woop” sound from police patrols, urging our drivers to get going. Please don’t come onto campus very early. Best to time your arrival at just around 2:30, up to 2:45 p.m. Please remember, too, that there is no Occasional Care in the After School Care program. Families enrolled in the 2:30 program should schedule pick up by 2:45 p.m. Starting In November, late charges will apply to those who pick up after 2:45 p.m. (Information to follow.)
New Travel guidelines - As you know, the State of Hawaii is instituting new travel guidelines for Hawaii residents, as well as tourists. These will potentially affect our Health Screening guidelines. More information will be forthcoming from MCS when those details are released.
Ohana Bubbles - Regarding the travel guidelines and the upcoming holiday season, please keep in mind that we are all in this together to protect our keiki, our staff, and you. Small gatherings, a limited social circle of friends and family, proper distancing, hand washing, and mask-wearing are strategies to keep us all safe.
Parent Family Association (PFA) - We’re looking for new leaders for the PFA! Contact Cari at pfa@montessorihawaii.org to volunteer your time and talent to help create opportunities for fun and to make connections with the MCS community.
HAIS/AMS Virtual Visit - Reminder - The Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS) and the American Montessori Society (AMS) will visit MCS from October 18-21. You are invited to join the final session with the Visiting Committee via Zoom on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at which they will identify what they perceive as the underlying strengths of our school, and areas for improvement. I will include a Zoom link for you in next Friday’s Message.
Please take good care -
October 2, 2020
Dear Families -
This past Monday marked a milestone for Montessori Community School when all our programs from the Two-Year-Olds through Elementary Program resumed on campus, and students joined us for the first time since mid-March. It was an important moment for us, as the staff has put their heads and hearts together to serve the students and families of our community. It has been a bumpy ride, and we’re still working out the kinks, but with your understanding, patience, and support, we’re moving forward.
On a different and important note, MCS will soon be hosting a virtual visit by our two school accreditation bodies, the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS) and the American Montessori Society (AMS), from October 18-21. The Visiting Team, from HAIS and AMS, includes Dr. Dan White (former founder and Head of School at Island Pacific Academy), Dr. Eric Dustman (Head of School, Montessori School of Maui), Dr. Josh Watson (Head of School, La Pietra - Hawaii School for Girls), and Jenie Tice (Dean of Students, California Montessori Project). The visit was originally scheduled to be in person in mid-March of this year, but was postponed due to the pandemic.
The HAIS/AMS visiting team will meet in small groups with members of our faculty, administration, Board of Trustees, and parents who helped contribute to the writing of the Self-Study throughout the previous year. The Self-Study involved a deep dive into all aspects of our program from Montessori practice, Climate and Community, School Safety, Financial Wellbeing, and Governance, among other things. We’re looking forward to sharing more about our school and hearing the visiting team’s thoughts about what the school should focus on to improve our program.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up - The morning drop-off was a bit congested at the beginning of the week due to the return to campus of the Elementary Program this week. It did get better as the week went on, but is likely to be slower again on Monday when we actually ask you the questions again, point by point, from the health screening protocol. It is important that you are reminded of the questions so that the health screening is meaningful. Note that there should be three lanes in the drive-through area near the elementary tree. The two lanes on the right are for Elementary drop-off, while the lane on the far left is for passing through to the basketball court. Please remember to have your color-coded placards visible on your car dashboard at drop-off time. It helps those of us who are screening and directing traffic to have those as a cue. Parents who walk up to the screening table will have their temp taken; parents who drive-through will not. Please be sure to wear your mask whether in your car or walking up to the table. In the afternoon, please stand in the pick-up zone in the Preschool & Kindergarten programs and allow the classroom teachers to bring your child to you. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation in keeping drop-off and pick-ups as quick as possible.
Health and Wellbeing protocols - Thank you for your cooperation regarding the school’s health screening and wellbeing policies. As you know, prevention is the name of the game, and since we can’t know who might be ill on any given day, we will continue to meet the State’s public health mitigation guidelines. Please be sure that your child has a mask that fits well, covering their nose and mouth completely without the need to touch and adjust the mask. Masks that don’t fit well can’t do the job that they are meant to do. Thank you for your support as you take care of yourselves and others in the MCS community.
Give Aloha - Foodland Giving - Thank you so much for your generous donations to Give Aloha - Foodland’s matching giving program that we use to help fund Professional Development for our teachers. We appreciate your support in so many ways. Your kind notes, your donations of talent and time, and your financial support mean so much to us. Mahalo nui loa ~ Jennifer & Susan
Class & Student Photos - School photos have been postponed from mid-October to February 11-12, 2021. More information will be forthcoming from the office as we approach those dates.
Please take good care - Marjie
September 25, 2020
Dear families -
The Elementary Program returns to On-Campus learning
on Monday, Sept. 28. Drop off begins as early as 7:30AM.
The elementary program begins promptly at 8:00AM.
Reminder - Please return your child/ren’s supplies today, Friday, with notebooks, supplies, and technology devices in the bin provided at the beginning of the school year. This will make things easier and less time consuming on Monday.
Happy Aloha Friday! We’re all very excited about the Elementary return to On-Campus learning starting this coming Monday, 9/28. Distance Learning in the Lower Elementary came to an end on Thursday afternoon, and the Upper Elementary ended today at 12:00PM. Thank you to all Elementary parents who joined me for the Return to Campus Orientation on Wednesday afternoon. I hope you were also able to join your child/ren’s classroom teacher on Thursday afternoon. I know that you are receiving a lot of information, and it may seem a bit overwhelming. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Occasional Care/Timely Pick-up - A reminder that there is no occasional care in the After School Care program. Be sure to pick up your child by 2:30 if you are not enrolled in After School Care.
Parking Placards - Each family has or will receive a color-coded by program level laminated placard to place in your window as you drive onto the campus. These should be placed on your car dashboard as you arrive so that we know, first, that you belong on our campus, and second, how to direct you to the right location for drop-off and pick-up.
Let's take care of our community - Please remember that at all times, when you are on campus, to wear your mask to protect yourself, your child, and our staff. Mahalo nui loa for your cooperation.
School Directory - The MCS School Directory is now available to you. Please see these links for the “Guide to Accessing School Directory in FACTS”, and “MCS Directory to Family Portals.” With these tools, you will be able to find and communicate with fellow parents who have indicated that they are willing to share their contact information. The School Directory helps build relationships in our community! Please remember that the School Directory should not be used for solicitations.
School Alert Status - Based on the “MCS Reopening Plan - Section 5: COVID-19 Monitoring & Communication” framework, the school will be in Status Yellow starting this coming Monday when all our students are on campus. Status Yellow indicates that the rate of infection on Oahu is relatively low, and that all classrooms are open for learning on campus. The Board of Trustees and I meet regularly to discuss and determine what we believe is best for our students and staff wellbeing. At this time, due to the state mandated emergency orders, the number of tests being conducted, the rate of positivity, and improvements in the contact tracing capabilities of the State, we believe this is the correct time to open all levels of our program on campus. We will continue to monitor and make adjustments as necessary to protect our community.
This past Monday was International Peace Day. Please enjoy the photos below of some of the activities and art that our students created.
We are looking forward to seeing you all soon - please take good care!
September 18, 2020
Dear families -
First, please note this important announcement regarding the Elementary Program return to campus:
The Elementary Program will return to On-Campus learning starting
Monday, September 28, 2020.
In order to allow teachers time to prepare for the return to campus -
Lower Elementary Distance Learning will end Thursday, September 24, 2:30 p.m.
Upper Elementary Distance Learning will end Friday, September 25, 12 p.m.
The MCS Board of Trustees and I met this week to make a decision regarding the school's plan for On-Campus or Distance Learning at MCS in the Elementary Program. Based on current trends with COVID-19 on Oahu (new 7-day averages for number of cases and percent positivity are trending downward below the WHO recommended guidelines for reopening), and the current stay-at-home orders and extension of travel restrictions, MCS will open our Elementary classrooms to On-Campus learning starting on Monday, September 28. We believe that in the interest of engaging our children in learning and helping them to establish meaningful relationships with their teachers and peers, this is the time to return to On-Campus learning. Be advised that we may need to return to Distance Learning at some time in the future.
MCS Elementary families are invited to an "MCS Return to Campus Orientation” via Zoom which will cover information about parking and drop-off, the MCS health screening protocols, nature of classroom cohorts, After School Care program for those enrolled, and to learn how you as parents can partner with us to protect our school community.
MCS Elementary Parents - Return to Campus Orientation
(Zoom invitation below)
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 4:00-5:00pm
By Classroom - Return to Campus Orientation
(Zoom invitation to follow from your child’s teachers)
Thursday, Sept. 24, 4:00-5:00pm
In preparation for the Elementary Program return to campus, Kathy Shirakawa, MCS Program Administrator, and I are working closely with the Elementary team to review our health and wellbeing protocols which include the proper wearing of masks for staff and students, hand washing, sanitation procedures, proper distancing and creating small group environments, and the daily health screening protocols. We believe that our health and safety protocols will help create a safe teaching and learning environment on campus.
In addition to the above, please note the following events. All meetings will be conducted via Zoom - please watch for the invitations:
Monday, 9/21, 4:00-5:00pm Graduating Class of 2021 Parents’ Meeting
Tuesday, 9/22, 4:00-5:00pm First PFA meeting of the year - all parents welcome
Wednesday, 9/23 -- 4:00-5:00pm MCS Elementary Parents - Return to Campus Orientation (Zoom invitation below)
Thursday, 9/24 -- 4:00-5:00pm By Classroom - Return to Campus Orientation (Zoom invitation to come from your Classroom teacher)
Peace Day - This coming Monday, Sept. 21, is the day that the United Nations has set aside as the annual “International Day of Peace.” This year, the theme is “Shaping Peace Together by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.” United Nations 'International Day of Peace' Maria Montessori said that “Averting war is the work of politicians; establishing peace is the work of education.” At MCS, although we won’t be able to gather together as usual to sing the Peace Song to celebrate Peace Day, within each classroom, teachers will be taking advantage of this day to help our children learn about themselves and others, and how they can promote peace at home, in the classroom, and in the community. Perhaps you can listen to this song together with your child, and let them know what peace means to you and your hope for a peaceful world.
Preschool & Kindergarten -Today marks the end of our first week on campus with the Preschool & Kindergarten children, and it has been so gratifying to watch them at play and at work, and to touch base with you, our parent community. We’ve missed seeing you and look forward to getting to know you better in the days ahead. Here is a brief video to recap the week. This is an unlisted video in Youtube, so the only way to view the recording is through the link, and we ask that you keep it within our MCS Community.
MCS Masks - Each MCS student will receive/has received an MCS mask. See the cute pic below of our children well attired. Some of you have asked about ordering additional MCS masks for your child/ren and ones for adults, too. Also, see the mask order form here. Contact Kelly in the office for more information: info@montessorihawaii.org
Give Aloha - One more reminder from Jennifer Oyer, Development Director, that Give Aloha continues through the month of September. You can visit any Foodland Grocery store or go to their website Give Aloha - Foodland to make your donation when you place an online order. Mahalo for your support - Jennifer
I look forward to seeing elementary parents next week at the orientation on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 4:00-5:00p.m.
Please take good care - Marjie
Marjie Carroll is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MCS Elementary Parents - Return to Campus Orientation
Time: Sep 23, 2020 04:00 PM Hawaii
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 7326 3843
Passcode: qpbc9q
September 11, 2020
Dear Families -
Thank you to all who joined us on Wednesday for the Preschool & Kindergarten Parents Return to Campus Orientation in preparation for returning to campus this coming Monday, Sept. 14. We had about seventy parents join the Zoom call, and we appreciate your participation as we take this next step in the school year. The Cottage Two-Year-Old Program is continuing on campus, and the Elementary will continue for two more weeks in Distance Learning with an anticipated return on Monday, Sept. 28. We are looking forward to having all our students on campus, as soon as possible, while watching the trends of the COVID-19 virus on Oahu.
Preschool & Kindergarten families - Drop-off time is daily between 7:30-8:30 a.m., with an official school start time of 8:30 a.m. Please see this map to see your drop-off location. Drop-off at the gate will include student and parent screening, which we will facilitate as quickly as possible. Try to have your goodbye moment at your car with a big hug, and a positive message, so that the drop-off at the gate can be short and sweet. Please arrive by 8:30am; if you do arrive after 8:30, please report to the school office for the health screening. Do not enter the classroom and be sure to follow the health screening protocol each day. See the attachments- Preschool & Kindergarten Drop-off and Pick-up Map, and Coronavirus (COVID-19) Screening.
Elementary families - Reminder to pick up your child/ren’s learning packets from the front office by 3:30 this afternoon. Lower Elementary will be picking up new tech devices. Be sure to sign the Technology Agreement when you do so.
During the Orientation meeting, I mentioned that MCS is using several data points to guide our decision-making, regarding whether to offer on or off campus learning. In particular, we are paying attention to trends in the number of cases per 100,000, and the percent rate of positivity among those tested. In both cases, at this time, Oahu numbers are trending downward, and the rate of positivity is below 5% (the WHO threshold for reopening schools and businesses). To understand the meaning and importance of percent positive, take a look at this article from Johns Hopkins. Today, in Hawaii, percent positive is 3.6%.
We have found the following two resources to be very helpful for getting daily updates -
Hawaii Department of Health Dashboard
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
I also want to give a quick reminder about Give Aloha - Foodland’s Matching Gifts Program which runs through September. I’ll be doing my grocery shopping this weekend at Foodland and making my donation to support teachers in their Professional Development efforts. We have the best teachers on the planet (I believe), and I want to support them in every way possible. Thank you, in advance, for your participation!
The Preschool & Kindergarten teachers and assistants have been working tirelessly to prepare the classrooms for your children on Monday. See the photos below of the Preschool & Kindergarten staff, wearing their new MCS masks and maintaining a proper distance to stay healthy. Each child will receive an MCS child-size mask at pick up time in the afternoon on Monday.
One last thing: We weren’t able to get to all the questions in the Zoom Chat during the Orientation session on Wednesday. Please click here for answers to those questions.
I hope you all have a safe and happy weekend ~ take good care!
28 August
Dear MCS Families -
Yesterday, the MCS Board of Trustees and I met to make a decision regarding the school's plans for on-campus and/or Distance Learning at MCS starting Monday, September 14. Based on parent feedback and our shared belief that children of a young age are especially challenged by Distance Learning, MCS will open our Preschool & Kindergarten classrooms to on-campus learning starting on September 14. Although the presence of COVID-19 in the broader Oahu community still poses a challenge, we believe that our health and safety protocols will help to mitigate the spread onto our campus.
While we know that welcoming our elementary students back to campus is also critically important, we believe that they can succeed and make progress through Distance Learning for a little while longer. We have established a target return date to campus for the elementary program of Monday, September 28, and will be in communication with you as that date approaches.
Starting Monday, September 14 -
1) Two-Year-Old Program will continue with on-campus learning including the ASC program (status quo)
2) Preschool & Kindergarten Program will open for on-campus learning including the ASC program (change in status)
3) Elementary Program will continue with Distance Learning through Friday, September 25. (extension of status quo).
In preparation for the return to campus, Kathy Shirakawa, MCS Program Administrator, and I will be working closely with the Preschool team to review our protocols and make sure that we are well prepared for opening day. MCS Preschool families are invited to an "MCS Return to Campus Orientation” via Zoom to help prepare for a return including parking, screening, classroom cohorts, After School Care for those enrolled, and learn more about how parents can partner with us to protect our school community.
MCS Preschool & Kindergarten Parents - Return to Campus Orientation
(Zoom invite to follow)
Wednesday, Sept. 9, 4:00-5:00pm
MCS by Classroom - Return to Campus Orientation
(Zoom invite to follow)
Thursday, Sept. 10, 4:00-5:00pm
We fervently hope that with the shared effort and sacrifice of all, conditions will improve across our beautiful island and that our ohana will begin to heal.
Please take good care!
20 August
Dear families -
Aloha and Welcome to the start of the school year at Montessori Community School. Whether you are a new family or returning MCS family, we are very pleased that you will be part of our community this year. In this most challenging time, I am particularly mindful of the trust you are placing in our school to fulfil our mission to provide a Montessori education to support and encourage the optimal development of your child/ren. I look forward to joining with you to bring our community to life.
Please see the MCS Distance Learning Plan (DLP) 2020-2021 (download here) which provides an overview of how MCS will conduct Distance Learning (DL). In it you will find suggestions for how to prepare your home environment, sample schedules for each program level, expectations for the students, suggestions for families, and a list of DLP resources you will receive from the school. If your child is starting their year in Distance Learning, you will be hearing from the classroom teacher with specifics about the program, the schedule for DL materials to be picked up at MCS, and Zoom links to join the class.
Please see the following article The Case for a Montessori Approach to Remote Learning which provides an excellent explanation of why children who learn in a Montessori environment are often more successful with distance learning than children from more traditional learning environments.
Please see the document entitled “Who’s Who at Montessori Community School” (download here) to learn the names of the faculty and assistants, administrators, and MCS Board of Trustees. We all look forward to getting to know you and serving you and your children in the coming year.
About two weeks ago, many of you attended the “MCS Virtual Town Hall Meeting” in which we reviewed the MCS Reopening Plan 2020-2021 and you heard from a panel of MCS advisors who helped us craft a safe and do-able plan for when we reopen on-campus. We ran out of time to answer all your questions in the Chat Room so we’ve put them in writing in a document entitled “Virtual Town Hall Q & A.” (download here) Feel free to get in touch with me or Kathy Shirakawa, Program Administrator if you wish for further clarification: kathy@montessorihawaii.org
One of the panelists at the Town Hall was Cathy Ross, MCS parent and Deputy Director of Public Health at the Hawaii Department of Health. She spoke about how parents can partner with the school to create a safe “bubble” that can help sustain a safe community for us all. Please see this DOH link which addresses the question “Is there a safe way to see family or friends while following physical-distancing guidelines?”
Also here is a copy of “Section 5: MCS Covid-19 Monitoring-Alert Status” from the MCS Reopening Plan, which provides guidance as to the status of MCS with regard to COVID-19 in the broader State/Oahu community and the MCS community. At this time, MCS is in Status Orange, meaning that some MCS programs are being offered on-campus, and some programs are in Distance Learning.
At present, MCS intends to reopen the campus to all students on Monday, September 14, 2020, by which time we hope that the spread of COVID-19 is headed in the right direction, or at least plateaued. The Board of Trustees and I will be meeting soon to reevaluate our status and make decisions about whether and when to open the campus to all students. I will be in contact with you immediately about any decisions of this nature.
Lastly, several of you have asked us questions about how we intend to support your child/ren as they learn to navigate school and life in the era of COVID-19. Kylie Dunn, our School Counselor, will be working closely with classroom teachers and students in the days ahead, including those who are beginning the year in Distance Learning. During the teacher preparation weeks, Kylie provided a Professional Development session to faculty focusing on “Trauma Informed Care Strategies” to effectively support students as they return to school at this moment. Throughout the school year, she will also be providing support to families. Please see the image below for some good thoughts about guidance for you with your children at home.
Please stay safe and take good care ~
Marjie Carroll is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MCS Campus Orientation - 2020-2021
Time: Aug 25, 2020 04:00 PM Hawaii
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 4475 8171
Passcode: QL4T0q
(Be advised, this meeting will be recorded. Guests will be muted.)